Analog (Non-Digital) Game Market 2022: Jigsaw Puzzles

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30,000 yen ($194.94)
(excluding consumption tax)
60,000 yen ($389.89)
(excluding consumption tax)
90,000 yen ($584.83)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.89 yen , 2024/07/27 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Analog (Non-Digital) Games, Jigsaw Puzzles, Puzzle Games

Research Content:

I. Trends in the Jigsaw Puzzles Market

1. Definition of the Market

2. Market Structure

3. Market Trends

4. Market Size Transition

5. Trends in the Jigsaw Puzzles Industry

6. Manufacturers’ Strategies and Business Deployment

EPOCH Co., Ltd.

ensky Co., Ltd.

Tenyo Co., Ltd.

Beverly Enterprises Inc.

Yanoman Corporation

7. Manufacturers’ Market Share

8. Current Situation of Distribution of Jigsaw Puzzles

Chain Stores Specializing in Toys


Home Appliance Stores

Hardware Stores

General Merchandise Stores

Toy Specialty Stores


Stationery Shops

Other Stores

9. Market Share by Distribution Channel


II. Individual Profiles of Major Manufacturers

EPOCH Co., Ltd.

ensky Co., Ltd.

Tenyo Co., Ltd.

Beverly Enterprises Inc.

Yanoman Corporation


III. Result of Questionnaire Survey of Users/Players of Puzzle Games

1. Survey Overview

2. Survey Results: All Analog (Non-Digital) Games (4 kinds of games in total)

1) The Occurrence Rate of the 4 Kinds of Analog Games

2) Levels of Overlapping of Interests among the 4 Kinds of Analog Games

3) Attributes of Analog Game Users/Players

Composition by: i. Gender / ii. Age / iii. Place of Residence / iv. Marriage Status / v. Occupation

3. Survey Resulst: Puzzle Games

1) Attributes of Puzzle Game Users/Players

Composition by: i. Gender / ii. Age / iii. Place of Residence / iv. Marriage Status / v. Occupation

2) What Other Interests Do Puzzle Game Users/Players Have?

3) Playing Status of Puzzle Game Users/Players

i. Frequency of Playing Games / ii. Place of Playing Games / iii. How Many Years or Months You Have been Playing Games / iv. Who You Play Games with / v. Annual Consumption Amount / vi. Whether You Play Games Digitally / vii. Purchase Channels of Games / viii. Intention to Continue the Hobby Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

4) Features of Puzzle Game Users/Players

i. The Number of Games Owned / ii. Reasons for Games Becoming a Hobby / iii. Favorite Puzzle Games / iv. Information Sources / v. Frequency of Posting Games-Related Posts on Social Media / vi. Events You Participate in / vii. Groups or Club Activities You Belong to / viii. The Number of Members of Your Groups or Club Activities / ix. Attractiveness of Puzzle Games / x. Self Diagnosis (20 Items)

5) Experience of Playing Puzzle Games Outside of Hobbies of All Analog (Non-Digital) Game (4 Kinds of Games in Total) Users/Players


written in Japanese
30,000 yen ($194.94)
(excluding consumption tax)
60,000 yen ($389.89)
(excluding consumption tax)
90,000 yen ($584.83)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.89 yen , 2024/07/27 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type