X Business Short Report Vol. 17: VTuber Market (Researched in August to October 2019)

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50,000 yen ($349.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
100,000 yen ($698.42)
(excluding consumption tax)
150,000 yen ($1,047.63)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Leisure Entertainment Industry, Pachinko and Pachislot Industry, YouTube Industry, VTuber Industry, Video Streaming Service Industry

Research Content:

This report takes a look from a different angle compared to conventional industrial research. The report describes not only the market situation but also the “power” of various brands by combining the description of market we cover (market size, market trends, status of major players, and the like), using “X Business Engine” to analyze products, services, technologies, brands and so forth from the unique point of view such as “enthusiasm,” “attractiveness” and “temperature.”


Research Period:

August – October 2019


Research Methodology:

X business engine, in-person interview with market players, monitoring survey online, telephone survey, research with documents unique to our company, and the like


Research Target:

Companies and Individual VTubers who post videos combining 2D or 3D CG characters and voice/audio on YouTube


I. Overview of “X Business Engine” Used Here


II. VTuber Market

  1. What is a VTuber?
  2. Overview of VTuber Market

2-1. “Kizuna AI”, the First VTuber, Appeared in December 2016 and Began to Form the Market

2-2. The Number of VTubers Increased Rapidly since 2018, and Surpassed 10 thousand in January 2020

[Figure] Transition in the Number of VTubers

2-3. Activities and Characteristics of Major VTubers (Groups)

Kizuna AI / Kaguya Luna / Mirai Akari / Dennou Shoujo SIRO / Nekomiya Hinata / Tsukino Mito / HIMEHINA / Yomemi / Game Club Project

2-4. Ranking in the Number of Subscribers

[Table] Ranking in the Number of Subscribers

2-5. Ranking in the Number of Video Views

[Table] Ranking in the Number of Video Views

  1. How to Create VTubers

3-1. Mirrativ, Released in 2018, helped the Number of VTubers to Increase Significantly

  1. Characteristics of VTuber Business

4-1. Major VTuber Business Fields

4-2. Advantages of Monetization Using VTuber

4-3. Disadvantages of Monetization Using VTuber

  1. Trends in VTuber Market

5-1. Trends in Management Business of Major VTubers

5-2. New Entry of Companies Has Becoming Active since 2018

5-3. Promotions Utilizing VTubers Increased

  1. Trend in Major Companies Managing VTuber Office

Activ8 Inc.  / App Land, Inc. / ZIZAI Inc. / Ichikara Inc. / COVER corp. / Iwamotocho Geinosha*1 / Kabushiki Kaisha Wright Flyer Live Entertainment*2 / Balus Co., Ltd. / Smarprise, Inc. / mikai inc. / BitStar, Inc. / DEARSTAGE inc. / Happy Elements Asia Pacific Co., Ltd. / Pimlab Inc. / Exys Inc. (Current “Trys, Inc.”) / MateReal Co., Ltd. / 774 inc.

*1, 2: These companies’ names are only expression of Japanese official names by alphabet.



III. Analysis on LOVE Degree of VTuber via X Business Engine

  1. Research Overview of X Business Engine on VTuber
  2. Analysis on LOVE Degree via X Business Engine (Figure: 4-quadrant Matrix)
  3. Analysis on LOVE Degree via X Business Engine

[Figure] Analysis on LOVE Degree / Zone

[Figure] Research Overview of X Business Engine

3-1. Analysis on LOVE Degree / Description of Zone (Active Support)

3-2. Analysis on LOVE Degree / Description of Zone (Cooled Attractiveness)

3-3. Analysis on LOVE Degree / Description of Zone (Sympathetic Excitement)

3-4. Analysis on LOVE Degree / Description of Zone (Passive Selection)

  1. Rankings by Indicator

[Table] Description of Indicators to be Used

4-1. Ranking of Enthusiasm

4-2. Ranking of Attractiveness

4-3. Ranking of Temperature

4-4. Ranking of BIAS

4-5. Ranking of NIS

  1. Basic Data by Character

[Table] Legends of Radar Chart

No.1 Kizuna AI

No.2 Dennou Shoujo SIRO

No.3 Tsukino Mito

No.4 Mirai Akari

No.5 Game Club Project

No.6 Kaguya Luna


No.8 Nekomiya Hinata

No.9 Yomemi

No.10 Hatoba Tsugu

No.11 Shinonome Megu

No. 12 Nekomasu



written in Japanese
50,000 yen ($349.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
100,000 yen ($698.42)
(excluding consumption tax)
150,000 yen ($1,047.63)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type