Toy Industry 2025

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180,000 yen ($1,172.26)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,344.51)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,516.77)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Toys, plastic models, and hobbies

Research Target:

Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers

Research Content:

I    General Overview

1. Trend of Entire Toy Industry
2. Trends of Toy Manufacturers
3. Trends of Toy Wholesalers 
4. Trends of Toy Retailers
5. Trends of Consumer Spending

II   Market Trends by Industry

1. Electronic toys
2. Plastic models and hobbies
3. Boy character toys/toys for boys
4. Girl character toys/toys for girls
5. Analog games
6. Seasonal toys
7. Basic toys (Intellectual toys for babies and infants, jigsaw puzzles)
8. Stuffed toys and dolls
9. TV/video gaming console and hardware
10. TV/video game software
11. Toys with confectionery
12. Capsulated toys
13. Figures
14. Toys for Grown-ups (described as “high target toys” in Japanese toy market) 
15. Railway models
16. Trading card games

III    Profiles of Leading Businesses

1. Toy/plastic models/hobbies manufacturers
2. TV gaming hardware and software manufacturers
3. Wholesalers of toys, plastic models, and hobbies
4. Retailers for toys, plastic models, and hobbies



written in Japanese
180,000 yen ($1,172.26)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,344.51)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,516.77)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type