Gardening & Vegetable Gardening Market 2024

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150,000 yen ($976.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,953.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($2,930.64)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Gardening & Vegetable Gardening

Research Target:

Manufacturers of gardening products and materials, suppliers of seeds, seedlings, and other supplies for gardening and vegetable gardening

Research Content:

I   Current Status and Future Perspectives of Gardening & Vegetable Gardening Market

1. Transition of Gardening & Vegetable Gardening Market Size
2. Gardening & Vegetable Gardening Market Size (FY2025-FY2029)
3. Market Size Forecast by Sales Channel (FY2025-FY2029)
4. Gardening & Vegetable Gardening Market Outlook for 2029
5. Challenges and Key for Success in Gardening & Vegetable Gardening Market 

II   Gardening & Vegetable Gardening Market Trend by Product Category

1. Seedlings for Flower Beds
2. Vegetable and Fruit Seedlings
3. Flowers and Trees
4. Bulbs
5. Turf, Ground-covering Plants
6. Flowerpots and Planters
7. Pesticides & Insecticides for Gardening
8. Fertilizers for Gardening
9. Culture soil for Gardening
10. Edgers, Mowers, Trimmers for Gardening

III    Sales Channels of Gardening & Vegetable Gardening Market

1. Current Status of Sales Channels for Companies in Flower & Kitchen Gardening Market
2. Home Centers
3. Garden Centers
4. Flower Shops
5. Mail-Order Business/Online Shopping
6. Allotment Garden, Garden Bed Rentals

IV   Latest Data regarding Gardening & Vegetable Gardening

1. Survey regarding Leisure
2. Family Income and Expenditure Survey 
3.Research on Flowering Plant Market (2010 -2023)
4. Home Center Market Overview 
5. Registration Status of New Breed
6. List of Genetically Modified Plants (GMO) regarding Flowering Plants
7.Transition of Import/Export of Seeds and Saplings (2017-2023)

V   Strategies of Leading Companies in Business of Gardening & Vegetable Gardening

3 Home Centers
22 Gardening Supply Manufacturers


written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($976.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,953.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($2,930.64)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type