Nondestructive Inspection Market for Food 2025

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250,000 yen ($1,628.13)
(excluding consumption tax)
500,000 yen ($3,256.27)
(excluding consumption tax)
750,000 yen ($4,884.40)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Nondestructive Inspection Systems/Devices for food

Research Target:

Manufacturers of Nondestructive Inspection Instruments and Systems, Enterprises Conducting Consignment Works for Nondestructive Inspections

Research Content:

New businesses based on food and agriculture x food tech have emerged one after another in recent years, and they are expected to not only pursue convenience but also contribute to solving various issues related to food and agriculture.
Yano Research Institute has reported on a number of hot markets, including “smart agriculture,” “alternative protein,” “aquaculture business,” and, more recently, “personal meals” and “complete nutritional diets.”
In the area of “food safety and security,” in addition to the conventional food inspection service/kit market, the report focuses on the inspection device and system market, where AI and other technologies are being utilized. In particular, nondestructive testing equipment not only protects food safety and security, but also helps to address labor shortages at manufacturing and processing sites and to add value to food products.
This report summarizes the demand and development trends for nondestructive testing equipment and systems in the food industry (processed foods and agricultural products), clarifies current issues, and looks ahead to future directions.


I     Topics in Market of Nondestructive Inspection for Food

  1. Noteworthy Technology Supporting Advancements of Nondestructive Inspection
    1) Near Infrared Spectroscopy
    2) Hyperspectral Imaging (Hyperspectral Camera)
  2. Can AI Visual Inspection System be the Savior of Food Inspection?
    1) Overview of AI Food Inspection Solution Market (Major
        Market Players and Services)
    2) Business Outline of Major Market Players and What Caused
        Them to Enter into the Market
    3) Service Outline and Technology Development Trend of Major
        Market Players
    4) Challenges and Future Initiatives in Each Market Player

II   Market Trends of Nondestructive Inspection Devices for Food

  1. Total Market of Nondestructive Inspection Systems for Food
    1) Status and Size Transition of the Market (FY2019-2023)
    2) Market Composition Ratio by Segment (FY2023)
    3) Future Outlook and Market Size Forecast (FY2025, FY2030)
  2. Visual Inspection Systems Market (Color-filter/Optical-filter, Mechanical Sorter)
    1) Market Status and Trends at Market Players
    2) Product Overview and Trends in Technical Development
    3) Trends in Demand
    4) Current Issues and Attempts
    5) Future Outlook and Market Size Forecast (FY2019-2023,
        FY2025, FY2030 including forecasts)
  3. Internal Defect Detection Systems Market (Metal Detection & X-ray [Radiographic] Inspection)
    1) Market Status and Trends at Market Players
    2) Product Overview and Trends in Technical Development
    3) Trends in Demand
    4) Current Issues and Attempts
    5) Future Outlook and Market Size Forecast (FY2019-2023,
        FY2025, FY2030 including forecasts)
  4. Market of Visual/Internal-Defect Detection Systems for Farm Produce (Grading & Sorting Systems)
    1) Market Status and Trends at Market Players
    2) Product Overview and Trends in Technical Development
    3) Trends in Demand
    4) Current Issues and Attempts
    5) Future Outlook and Market Size Forecast (FY2019-2023,
        FY2025, FY2030, including forecasts)

III    Trends in Demand for Nondestructive Inspection System for Food (User Survey)

  1. Initiatives to secure safety of food (including Raw Materials)
  2. Status of conducting nondestructive inspections for food (Type/Method)
  3. Regarding in-house food inspections, whether using nondestructive inspection system/devices
  4. Direction or Intention for using nondestructive inspections in the future
  5. Challenges and requests on food inspections and analysis

100 Questionnaire Respondents

IV   Company Profiles

13 enterprises


written in Japanese
250,000 yen ($1,628.13)
(excluding consumption tax)
500,000 yen ($3,256.27)
(excluding consumption tax)
750,000 yen ($4,884.40)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type