Fitness Facility Market 2024
Coverage: (Product/service)
Fitness facilities and gyms, workout gyms, personal training gym, Pilates studio, 24-hour fitness gyms, etc.
Research Target:
Fitness gym operating companies
Research Content:
As the pandemic has finally over and some changes observed in consumer behaviors, the fitness facility market that was inflicted heavily amid the COVID-19 crisis is showing recovery and even growth further on. Some business operators have increased the facilities with different business forms than in the past that cater to consumer trends and to the user objectives.
This report gives insights into the status, challenges, and perspectives of fitness facilities through analytics of nationwide locations and the number of recent openings since the beginning of 2023.
I. Survey Results Overview
- Survey Results Focuses:
1) Market Trends
2) Market Trends by Business Form (Market size,
perspectives, and challenges) - User Trends
1) Rate of participating in fitness classes (consumer
survey results)
2) Rate of intentions to participate in fitness classes
(consumer survey results)
II Fitness Facility/Gym Overview
- Fitness Facility Market Size
- Number of Fitness Facilities
- Rate Plans
- User Trends (Population, participation rates and frequency)
III Trends by Business form
1) Overview and Target Customer Base
2) Promotions, Sales Strategy
3) Store Strategy, Rollout Strategy
4) Challenges, Directions
5) Market Size
- Large-scale (Fully equipped with pool, gym, studios)
- Small-Size Fitness Gyms
- 24-Hour Fitness Gyms
- Yoga Studios
- Others
IV Noteworthy Business Forms
1) Overview and Target Customer Base
2) Promotions, Sales Strategy
3) Store Strategy, Rollout Strategy
4) Challenges, Directions
- Personal Training Gym
- Pilates
- 24-Hour Fitness Gyms for Light Users
V Trends by Leading Enterprise
- Strategies and Directions
- Trends by Leading Enterprise (10 enterprises)
- Company List
VI Local Area Marketing of Fitness Facilities
- Location Environment Analysis for Fitness Facilities (Comparison by Business Type)
1) Location Environment of Existing Facilities
2) Location Environment of New Facilities - Trade Area Potential Ranking