Healthcare Food Service Market (Market for Foods for Long-Term Care, for Elderly People, and for Therapeutic Diet) 2024
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Modified Food for Long-Term Care, for Elderly People, and fpr Therapeutic Diet
Research Target:
Manufacturers, wholesalers, meal services, food home deliver services
Research Content:
I Newsworthy Market Trends
1. Growing attention for foods for long-term care, for elderly people, and for therapeutic diet
2. Market driven by aging society, increase of single households, and increase of lifestyle disease patients
3. Elderly people cared more at home than at hospitals and elderly facilities
4. Sarcopenia, frailty, and locomotive syndrome garners attention
5. Creating society that enables elderly citizens to live healthily, find purpose for living, and feel involved
6. Market expansion of "universal design food"
7. Smile care food lost momentum
8. Nutritional management guideline for elderly at home and NSD activities
9. Increase of frozen bento home delivery
10. Preventive care food attracting attention
11. Increased variety of thick liquid foods
12. Facts about meals at hospitals, intensive care home for the aged, and long-term care health facilities
13. Increasing use of prepared meals attributes to change in dietician’ perception
14. Revision of medical care coverage for hospital meals
15. Future perspectives of food for long-term care, for elderly people, and therapeutic diet
II Market Analysis on Food for Long-Term Care
1. Market Trends
1) Soft meals (meals for persons having difficulty in chewing)
2) Meals for persons having difficulty in swallowing
3) Thick liquid foods
2. Trends in Market Players
1) Processed foods manufacturers
2) Meal delivery companies
3) Food home delivery service providers
3. Product Trends
1) Meals for persons having difficulty in swallowing
2) Soft meals (meals for persons having difficulty in chewing)
3) Thick liquid foods
4. Transition of Market Size (FY2019-FY2023)
5. Market Share by Category (FY2023)
6. Problems and Challenges
7. Future Market Perspectives
8. Forecast of Market Size (FY2024-FY2028)
III Market Analysis on Foods for Elderly People
1. Market Trends
2. Trends of Market Players
1) Processed foods manufacturers
2) Meal delivery companies
3) Food home delivery service providers
3. Product Trends
1) Preventive care foods
2) Delivery foods focused on healthy, balanced foods for elderly
4. Transition of Market Size (FY2019-FY2023)
5. Market Share by Category (FY2023)
6. Problems and Challenges
7. Future Market Perspectives
8. Forecast of Market Size (FY2024-FY2028)
IV. Market Analysis on Foods for Therapeutic Diet
1. Market Trends
1) Meals for hospitalized patients and for the elderly admitted to a long-term care facility
2) Food home delivery services
3) Processed foods
2. Trends of Market Players
1) Processed foods manufacturers
2) Meal delivery companies
3) Food home delivery service providers
3. Product Trends
1) "Protein modified" foods (including meals for those with salt restrictions)
2) "Energy modified" foods (including meals for those with sugar restrictions)
4. Transition of Market Size (FY2019-FY2023)
5. Market Share by Category (FY2023)
6. Problems and Challenges
7. Future Market Perspectives
8. Forecast of Market Size (FY2024-FY2028)
V. Profiles of Leading Suppliers
Food processor/manufacturer & wholesaler: 37 companies
Meal service & food home delivery services: 33 companies