Jewelry Yearbook: Wholesalers and Manufacturers 2024

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150,000 yen ($976.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,953.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($2,930.64)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Wholesaling and Manufacturing of Jewelry and Precious Metals

Research Target:

Manufacturers and Wholesalers of Jewelry and Precious Metals

Research Content:

The market has undergone dramatic changes triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, which brought about unprecedented situations causing stores to close or shorten the business hours.  as the business opportunity. To survive the uncertain situations, obtaining beneficent information is a must.
This report covers approximately 2,000 corporate profiles on jewelry wholesalers, manufacturers, importers, metal traders.


  1. Company Profiles of Jewelry and Precious Metal Wholesalers & Manufacturers

    Company Outline, Transition of Sales Performance in Recent Three Years, Major Suppliers, Major Customers, Sales Ratio by Item, Major Stores/Brands, etc.
  2. Rankings (Wholesalers & Manufacturers)
    1) 2023 Jewelry Sales Ranking
    2) 2023 Jewelry Sales Growth Rate Ranking
       (Wholesalers & Manufacturers with Jewelry Sales 300
         Million Yen or More) 
    3) 2023 Jewelry Sales Profitability Ranking
       (Wholesalers & Manufacturers with Jewelry Sales 300
        Million Yen or More)
    4) Leading Wholesalers & Manufacturers by Prefecture


written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($976.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,953.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($2,930.64)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type