Protected Horticulture Market 2024

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Europe , Japan , China , Korea
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330,000 yen ($2,149.14)
(excluding consumption tax)
660,000 yen ($4,298.27)
(excluding consumption tax)
990,000 yen ($6,447.41)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Protected Horticulture

Research Target:

Protected Horticulture Producers, Companies Dealing in Agricultural ICT, Companies Dealing in Liquid Fertilizers

Research Content:

I   Current Status and Future Perspectives of Protected Horticulture Market

1. Current Status and Future Perspectives of Domestic Agriculture
2. Status of Agricultural Corporations 
3. Agriculture as “Sixth Industry”
4. Revision of Basic Act on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas
5. Issues & Challenges of Protected Horticulture in Japan and Overseas
6. Current Status of Protected Horticulture
7. Efforts for Environmentally-Friendly Farming
8. JA‘s Efforts for Protected Horticulture
9. Next-Generation Protected Horticulture in Kochi
10. Promotion of Protected Horticulture in Saga (“Saga Engei 888”)
11. Impact of Rising Cost on Protected Horticulture
12. Trends of Agrivoltaics
13. Protected Horticulture in Other Countries (Netherlands, China, & Korea)
14. Proposal for Expanding Protected Horticulture

II   Survey to Protected Horticulture Producers That Made Entrance from Other Industries

1. Questionnaire Results
2. Attributes of Respondents
3. Current Financials 
4. Years It Took to Stabilize Business
5. Manufacturer of Devices/Systems Introduced
6. Light Sources Introduced for Plant Raising
7. Impact of Soaring Costs
8. Soaring Costs
9. Intent to Expand Business (Production) Size
10. Opinions on Protected Horticulture

III   Trends of Greenhouse & Solution Culture Systems

1. Greenhouse
2. Solution Culture System
3. Promising Technology “Local 5G” 

IV   Noteworthy Materials for Labor-Saving, Energy-Saving and Cost-Saving Protected Horticulture

1. Compound Environment Control Systems
2. Heat Pumps System for Protected Horticulture
3. CO2 Enrichment System
4. Functional Covering Materials (Agricultural Films)
5. ICT for Agriculture
6. Liquid Fertilizer for Protected Horticulture
7. Energy-saving Materials that Garner Attention Amid Heatwaves & Soaring Fuel Price (Heat Insulator, Shades)

V   Profiles of Leading Protected Horticulture Producers

27 companies


written in Japanese
330,000 yen ($2,149.14)
(excluding consumption tax)
660,000 yen ($4,298.27)
(excluding consumption tax)
990,000 yen ($6,447.41)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type