Aesthetic Medicine – Consumer Survey 2024
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Aesthetic Medicine
Research Target:
Online survey to women in their ages between 20s and 50s who have received aesthetic medical treatments or have interests in getting the treatments
Research Content:
To understand the current state of the aesthetic medicine market and to make future projections, we conducted a consumer survey on 200 women who have undergone aesthetic medicine treatments and 200 women that are interested but not have gotten aesthetic medical treatments.
I Consumer Survey on Aesthetic Medicine
Survey Outline
1. Which part of body and/or face they are dissatisfied with (feel the needs to get treated)
2. Status of getting medical aesthetic treatments
3. Determinants for selecting a medical aesthetic clinic
4. Use of aesthetic medicine by treatment
5. Reason NOT getting aesthetic medical treatments
6. Hypothetical question: If getting medical aesthetic treatments, what are the determinants for choosing a clinic?
7. Condition of accepting treatments by treatment type
8. Increase or decrease in interests in aesthetic medicine during COVID-19 pandemic
9. ICT services they want to use in the field of aesthetic medicine
10. Awareness of medical aesthetic clinic chains
11. Impression/Image of medical aesthetic clinic chains
29 Clinics