Dysphagia/Chewing Difficulty/Preventive Care Foods Market 2024

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350,000 yen ($2,330.07)
(excluding consumption tax)
700,000 yen ($4,660.14)
(excluding consumption tax)
1,050,000 yen ($6,990.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.21 yen , 2024/10/22 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Dysphagia foods, chewing difficulty foods and Preventive care foods

Research Target:


Research Content:

Each market of foods for dysphagia, chewing difficulty, or preventive care is steadily expanding, driven by products that attract many market players such as food with tender texture. Companies are armed with a variety of product assortment of function-added food and products with better taste. Companies that entered the market are diverse, from food manufacturers including dairy food, condiment, frozen food, marine processed products, deli, bakery items, etc., to producers of pharmaceutical items including drugs, long-term care goods, hygienic materials, etc.
This report has surveyed and analyzed the market of foods for dysphagia, chewing difficulty, and preventive care that has entered the maturity period, the market trend, trends of market players, and future market perspectives from multilateral aspects.
The difference from the previous version is the analysis of the influence of COVID-19 having downgraded to class 5 to the market in question, considering some changes in systems.


I   Market Analysis

  1. Overview of Foods for Dysphagia/Chewing Difficulty/Preventive Care
    1) Market Definition
    2) Positioning of foods for dysphagia/chewing
      difficulty/preventive care in terms of nutritional
    3) Latest Market Overview in 2024
    4) Standards regarding foods for dysphagia/chewing
         difficulty/preventive care 
    5) Influential changes in system
     (changes in medical expenses for meals, Integrated implementation of health services and care prevention for the elderly, revision of medical fees, obligation of BCP)
    6) Distributional structure for preventive care food
    7) Guideline regarding nutritional management of food
         delivery services that press ahead with health support
         for elderly in local areas
    8) Activities by Japan Nutrition Support Food Delivery
  2. Transition of Market Size
  3. Market Share of Foods for Dysphagia/Chewing Difficulty/Preventive Care (FY2022)
    1) Market Share by Product
    2) Market Share by Temperature Zone
    3) Market Share by Sales Channel
    4) Market Share by Patient Type (Application)
  4.  Market Share of Foods for Dysphagia/Chewing Difficulty/Preventive Care by Manufacturer (FY2020)
    1) Market Share of Dysphagia Foods by Manufacturer by
    2) Market Share of Dysphagia Foods by Manufacturer by
        Temperature Zone
    3) Market Share of Dysphagia Foods by Manufacturer by
    4) Market Share of Chewing Difficulty Foods by
        Manufacturer by Product
    5) Market Share of Chewing Difficulty Foods by
        Manufacturer by Temperature Zone
    6) Market Share of Chewing Difficulty Foods by
        Manufacturer by Channel
    7) Market Share of Foods to Prevent from Being in Long-
        Term Care by Manufacturer
  5. Trend of R&D/Production/Distribution/Sales
  6. List of Products
  7. Product Trends
    1) Improvement in packaging forms
    2) Improvement in nutrients
    3) Pursuit for improving taste and appearance
    4) Improvement in texture
    5) To include dietary fiber for better digestion and
    6) Measure against bedsore
    7) Importance of protein
    8) Foods to enhance energy
    9) Increase in frozen food types
    10) Energy saving measures at production sites
    11) Being certified as food for special dietary uses
  8. Pricing Trends
  9. New Entry Trends
  10. Trend of corporate partnerships
  11. Trends of target patients and users
  12. Market trends in nutrients to take at home & general housholds
  13. Market growth boosters and inhibitors
  14. Future perspectives on foods for dysphagia, chewing difficulty and long-term care preventives

II   Company Profiles (24 Enterprises)


written in Japanese
350,000 yen ($2,330.07)
(excluding consumption tax)
700,000 yen ($4,660.14)
(excluding consumption tax)
1,050,000 yen ($6,990.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.21 yen , 2024/10/22 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type