Food Loss Reduction Business 2024

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190,000 yen ($1,258.44)
(excluding consumption tax)
380,000 yen ($2,516.89)
(excluding consumption tax)
570,000 yen ($3,775.33)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Food loss reduction

Research Target:

Food producers, food processors, food wholesalers, food logistics companies, food retailers, food services, software vendors, food waste utilizing companies, food perservation techs, etc.

Research Content:

The food waste problem has been drawing attention worldwide and measures are being hurriedly implemented. In Japan, the national government, local governments, and individual companies are also focusing on reducing food waste, but more than 500 metric tons are still being wasted each year. As food waste reduction is required at every stage of the food supply chain, some companies are paying attention to it not only from a CSR perspective but also as a business. New businesses have also been born, such as food sharing services and initiatives that utilize AI and IT, and this has the potential to bring about major change.
This market report explores the business potential and future perspectives of food waste reduction, while keeping in line with current trends such as upcycling, sustainability, and the use of digital transformation, and will outline the current state of food waste reduction, anticipated technologies, and initiatives and challenges for each business model.


I   Overview of Food Loss Reduction 

1. Status of Food Loss Reduction
(1) Overall trends
(2) Public campaigns to reduce food loss (governmental, municipal)
(3) Overseas
2. Noteworthy Topics regarding Food Loss Reduction
(1) Upcycling 
(2) Sustainability initiatives
(3) Digital transformation (DX) and AI utilization
3. Future Perspectives
(1) Challenges
(2) Future perspectives

II   Food Loss Reduction Trends by Supply Chain Companies

(current status/reduction initiatives/future outlook)
1. Producers
2. Food Processing Industry
3. Wholesalers & Logistic Companies
4. Retailers
5. Food Services

III   Trends of Food Loss Reduction Business

1. Big Picture of Food Loss Reduction Business
2. Trends by Service Type (Business Model)
(1) Food loss reduction & prevention software providers 
(2) Preservation technology providers
(3) Food waste utilization companies 
(4) Sharing & matching services for preventing food loss

IV   Food Loss at Producers

1. Amount of Food Lost/Wasted at Producers
(1) “Hidden food loss” among 14 designated vegetables 
(2) “Hidden food loss" by each vegetable of 14 designated vegetables
2. Initiatives to Reduce Food Waste at Producers
(1) Survey overview
(2) Survey results
V   Trends of Food Loss Reduction Solution Businesses
1. Food loss reduction & prevention software providers (3 entities)
2. Preservation technology providers (4 entities)
3. Food waste utilization companies (6 entities)
4. Sharing & matching services for preventing food loss (8 entities)


written in Japanese
190,000 yen ($1,258.44)
(excluding consumption tax)
380,000 yen ($2,516.89)
(excluding consumption tax)
570,000 yen ($3,775.33)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type