New Graduate Recruitment Support Market 2024

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180,000 yen ($1,183.51)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,367.02)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,550.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 152.09 yen , 2024/12/12 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

New graduate recruitment services

Research Target:

Universities, recruiting companies, job placement companies, major enterprises who recruit new graduates

Research Content:

New graduates’ recruitment is brisk, backed by severe personnel shortage causing companies to eager to obtain new graduates. In such a situation, new graduate recruitment support services are in demand, and operators are steadily expanding the opportunities to provide their services. Recently, the environment surrounding the market is evolving. For example, information obtained during internship has become available to use in recruitment activities. This report discloses the status, challenges, growth possibility of the new graduate recruitment support market, analyzed from various statistics data and interviews on the market players.


I   Trend of New Graduate Recruitment Support Market

  1. Market Trends
    1) Transition of Entire Market Size
    2) Trends of Market Size by New Graduate Recruiting
  2. Market Trend by Service Category
  3. Trends of Leading Training Service Providers
  4. Trends in Training Services for New Graduates at Training Service Providers
  • 4 companies

II   Market Trends by Service Category

Common Articles:

  • Definition
  • Service Outline
  • Trend of Market Players
  • Market Size Transitions
  • Challenges and Perspectives
  1. Recruitment Information Websites
  2. Events/Seminars
  3. New Graduates Introduction Services
  4. Outsourcing of New-Graduate Recruitment
  5. Assessment Tools for New Graduate Recruitment
  6. Follow-Up Service for Prospective Employees
  7. Direct Sourcing Services

III    Environment surrounding Job-Hunting Students

  1. Transition in Number of University Graduates, Jobfinders, and Employment Rate
  2. Transition in Number of University Graduates Finding Jobs by Industry
  3. Transition in Rate of Jobfinders (Informal Employment Rate)
  4. Transition of Rate of Jobfinders among University Graduates by Major (Science or Not Science)
  5. Transition of Rate of Jobfinders among University Graduates by Region
  6. Status of Early Job Leaving by University Graduates

IV   University Status/Actual Rate of Employment

  • Actual Employment Rate Ranking by Nationwide Privately-Run University
  • Ranking for Replenishment Rate of Student Quotas among Nationwide Privately-Run Universities
  • Rate of Foreign Student Ranking by Nationwide Privately-Run University
  • University Profiles (70 Privately-Run Universities Nationwide)

V    Profiles of Leading Market Players

20 companies


written in Japanese
180,000 yen ($1,183.51)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,367.02)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,550.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 152.09 yen , 2024/12/12 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type