Affiliate Marketing Market 2024

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200,000 yen ($1,331.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
400,000 yen ($2,662.94)
(excluding consumption tax)
600,000 yen ($3,994.41)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.21 yen , 2024/10/22 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Affiliate Marketing

Research Target:

Affiliate Marketing Service Providers, Reward site businesses,

Research Content:

By 2022, as COVID-19 crisis has triggered new lifestyle centered on internet, which increased the demand for new genre that had not been included in the affiliate marketing market, which expanded the market.

2023 saw growth of new genre and increase in the ratio of ecommerce, which further expanded the market. On the other hand, there still have been fraudulent advertising and deceptive acquisition practices for advertisers, despite efforts by administrations and business organizations striving for healthier market, which are the challenges for the affiliate marketing market. 2023 was the year that saw various legislation and rules on affiliate marketing being prepared, including implementation of regulations on stealth marketing and stipulation on privacy policy regarding personal information in Japan.

The report covers the latest information on affiliate marketing market, business strategies and performances by major ASP, and perspectives on the future market.


I  Overview

  1. Affiliate Marketing Market Overview
  2. Business Models by Affiliate Marketing Service Category
  3. Affiliate Marketing Market Size Transition (FY2020-FY2023 (Projection))
  4. Affiliate Marketing Market Size Forecast (FY2023-FY2027)
  5. Future Perspectives of Affiliate Marketing Market

II   Trends and Strategies at Leading Affiliate Service Providers (ASPs)

  1. Business History of Major ASPs
  2. List of Leading Market Players
  3. Service Outline/Business Models by Major ASPs
  4. Sales Performance Trends at Leading ASPs
  5. Composition of Major ASP Demand Sector by Industry
  6. Transition of Affiliate Marketing Market Size and Market Share
  7. Efforts by Major ASPs for Business Expansion
  8. Efforts on AI Applications by Major ASPs
  9. Business Strategies and Future Attempts by Major ASPs
  10. Challenges in Affiliate Marketing Business
  11. Ad Verification Measures by Major ASPs
  12. Changes in Major ASPs after Implementing Invoice System
  13. Market Perspectives Considered by ASPs
  14. Affiliate Marketing Market Forecast and Future Perspectives
  15. Affiliate Marketer Statuses and Changes (*Excerpt from research by AMA)

III    Reward Site Market Trend

  1. Reward Sites Overview
    1) Reward Site Business Models
    2) Industries Applied
  2. Reward Site Trends
  3. Strategies by Major Reward Site Businesses
  4. Reward Site Market Size Transition
  5. Efforts to Enhance Business by Major Reward Site Operating Companies
  6. Efforts and Ideas on AI Application
  7. Challenges of Major Reward Site Operating Companies
  8. Future Directions of Major Reward Site Operating Companies
  9. Thoughts on Market by Major Reward Site Operating Companies
  10. Reward Site Market Size Forecast

IV   Internet Advertisement Market Trends

  1. Internet Advertisement Market Overview
  2. Internet Advertisement Market Size Transition
  3. Internet Advertisement Industry Business Map
  4. Future Perspectives of Internet Advertisement Market
  5. Internet Advertisement Market Size Forecast

V   Reference (Ecommerce, Credit Card Market)

  1. Domestic Ecommerce Market Trends
    1) Domestic Ecommerce Market Size Transition
    2) Online Shopping Usage Transition
    3) Major Online Shopping Mall Performance Trend
  2. Credit Card Market
    1) Market Size
    2) Market Perspective
    3) Sales Performances of Credit Card Companies

VI   Company Profiles

8 ASPs


written in Japanese
200,000 yen ($1,331.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
400,000 yen ($2,662.94)
(excluding consumption tax)
600,000 yen ($3,994.41)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.21 yen , 2024/10/22 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type