E-Learning & Digital Education Business 2024
Coverage: (Product/service)
E-Learning & Digital Education Business
Research Target:
Platform vendors, Service vendors, Private preparatory school operators, Language schools, Cram schools/entrance exam preparatory schools/tutoring service providers, Employee training service providers, human resource development businesses
Research Content:
E-learning has become one of general tools for learning. At the same time, those learning services that implement generative AI has emerged, making the environment for the concerned services to be more diverse.
The report aims to provide the trends, environment, and structure of the concerned market, making them clear by researching the conditions and statuses of the businesses that provide e-learning services and digital education.
I General Overview
- Definition of E-learning
- Market Overview
1) Domestic e-learning/digital education market
2) B2B learning network services
3) B2C learning network services
4) Market trends by genre - Topics on E-learning/Digital Education Market
1) Current condition and issues regarding addressing to demand for reskilling at each service provider
2) Status of using or intention to use generative AI at each service provider
3) Perspectives on the e-learning market in 2030 by each service provider
II Trends by Field
- B2B Learning Network Service Market
- B2C Learning Network Service Market
- Market Trends by Genre
III Current Status & Business Strategies of Market Players in E-Learning & Digital Education
- Platform vendors (3 companies)
- Service vendors (15 companies)
- Cram schools/entrance exam preparatory schools/tutoring services (7 companies)
- Language schools (4 companies)
- Employee training/professional development (4 companies)
IV Outline of Market Players in E-learning & Digital Education
- Service vendors (16 companies)
- Cram schools/entrance exam preparatory schools/tutoring services (17 companies)
- Language schools (8 companies)
- Employee training/professional development (2 companies)
V Brief Profiles of Companies in E-learning & Digital Education Market
53 enterprises