Mail-Order Food Business Market 2024
Coverage: (Product/service)
Mail-Order Food Business
Research Target:
Companies in mail-order business, mail-order food business, food companies, online shopping sites, Co-op, natural food deliveries, online supermarkets, and direct sales from manufacturers
Research Content:
As COVID-19 crisis has completely ended, the special demand amid FY2020 and FY2021 has vanished, which has led the mail-order food business market size for FY2022 to be the similar level as the previous fiscal year. In addition to reactionary fall from a surged demand amid the pandemic, subsided new market entries and rise of commodity prices have fueled the money-saving sentiment.
As FY2023 has continued seeing rise of food prices, saving sentiment has strengthened. Added with rising delivery fees caused by the "2024 problem" in logistics, the entire market is facing the unfavorable winds. As a marketing method in such a market environment, the importance of utilizing social media is increasing furthermore.
I Mail-Order Food Business Market Overview
- Mail-Order Food Business Market Size Transitions
- Mail-Order Food Business Market Size Forecast
- Noteworthy Market Trends
1) Food subscription business on expansion
2) Expansion of food gifts -Social gift (e-gift) showing double-digit growth
3) Continuous expansion shown in Meal-Kit market
4) Status of logistics that support mail order food business
5) Communication via Social Media Creating Customer Experiences
6) Spread of live commerce
7) Cross-border ecommerce
8) Reduction of food losses and food ecommerce (Growing Interest to SDGs)
II Trends of Mail-Order Food Products by Category
- Market Size by Product
- Analysis by Category
1) Fresh foods
2) Rice
3) Liquors
4) Beverages
5) Sweets and confectionery
6) Health foods
7) Others (Frozen gourmet, bread/baked products, Traditional New-Year feasts, Food for long-term care, Emergency food
III Trends of Mail-Order Food Business by Business Form
- Market Size by Business Form
- Analysis by Each Channel
1) Online Shopping Malls
2) Co-op
3) Mail order of natural food delivery
4) Online supermarkets
5) Direct sales from manufacturers