Toy Industry 2024
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Coverage: (Product/service)
Toys, plastic models and hobbies
Research Target:
Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers
Research Content:
I General Overview
- Trend of Entire Toy Industry
- Trends of Toy Manufacturers
- Trends of Toy Wholesalers
- Trends of Toy Retailers
- Trends of Consumer Spending
- Demographics
- Toy Market Outlook (2030 Perspectives)
II Market Trends by Industry
- Electronic toys
- Plastic models and hobbies
- Boy character toys/Toys for boys
- Girl character toys/Toys for girls
- Analog games
- Seasonal toys
- Basic toys (Intellectual toys for babies and infants/Jigsaw puzzles)
- Stuffed toys and dolls
- TV/Video gaming console and hardware
- TV game software
- Toys with confectionery
- Capsulated toys
- Figures
- Railway models
- High target toys
- Trading card games
III Profiles of Leading Businesses
- Case Studies of toy manufacturers (25 enterprises)
- Case Studies of Manufacturers of TV gaming (hardware and software) (9 enterprises)
- Case Studies of wholesalers for toys, plastic models and hobbies (6 enterprises)
- Case Studies of retailers for toys, plastic models and hobbies (4 enterprises)