Telematics Insurance 2023
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Telematics Insurance
Research Target:
Nonlife insurance companies
Research Content:
Telematics insurance has been developed and provided by non-life insurance companies. In addition to the product trends, this report provides insights on how telematics insurance changes for the future.
I General Overview
- What is Telematics Insurance?
1) Outline of Telematics Insurance
- Definition
- Mechanism
- Provision methods
2) Benefits from Telematics Insurance
- Benefits to drivers
- Benefits to businesses
- Benefits to nonlife insurance companies
- Benefits to the society
3) Challenges of Telematics Insurance
4) Insurance for Connected Cars - Telematics Insurance Market Size Transition and Forecast
- Future Perspectives of Telematics Insurance
- History of Telematics Development
1) What is Telematics?
2) Backdrop of How Telematics Emerged
3) ITS Services Representing the Use of Telematics Technology
4) Method to Provide Telematics Services
5) Telematics Service Trends by Automakers - Topics on Legal System
1) Alcohol Check Mandated
2) Confirmation Devices Behind Vehicles (Rear-View Cameras, Detection System or Mirror) When Moving Backward Became Mandatory
3) Establishment of Obstructive Driving Charges
4) Driving Test for Elderly Drivers at License Renewal Became Mandatory - Automobile Insurance Overview
1) Business Status of Nonlife Insurance Companies
2) 17 Nonlife Insurance Companies Provide Automobile Insurance
3) Types of Automobile Insurance
4) Subscription Rates of Automobile Insurance
5) Automobile Insurance Rates Affected by Various Risks
6) Major Sales Channels
7) External Environment (population trend, number of automobiles possessed and automobile sales, number of traffic accidents
II Trends at Nonlife Insurance Companies
- Development of Telematics Insurance at Nonlife Insurance Companies
- Telematics Insurance Products at Each Company
- Trend of Subscribers, Sales Performance
- Sales Strategy
- Challenges
III Company Profiles
- Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co.,Ltd
- Insurance Co.,Ltd.
- Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
- Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited