Frozen Bread/Frozen Bread Dough Market 2023

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240,000 yen ($1,597.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
480,000 yen ($3,195.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
720,000 yen ($4,793.29)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.21 yen , 2024/10/22 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Frozen Bread Doughs and Frozen Bread and Rolls

Research Target:

Domestic makers of frozen bread doughs and frozen bread and rolls, bakeries, and Importers

Research Content:

I   Analysis on Current Status and Future Outlook of Frozen Bread & Frozen Bread Dough Market

  1. Market Overview on Frozen Breads & Frozen Bread Doughs
  2. Current Status and Perspectives
  3. Transition of Market Size
  4. Market Share by Manufacturer (FY2022)
  5. Future Market Outlook
  6. Market Size Forecast
  7. Transition of Market Size and Forecast List

II   Current Analysis and Outlook of Bread Market

  1. Market Overview
  2. Product Trends
  3. Trends of Companies
  4. Trends of Channels
  5. Wholesalers and Manufacturers recovering from corona crisis
  6. Convenience stores being resilient due to resumed school/office commuting and outing
  7. Retail bakery strategies after corona crisis
  8. Drugstores are one of few promising sales channels
  9. New sales channel of breads and rolls: Online retailing and subscription
  10. Current and future status of luxury pullman loaves
  11. Long-life bread and canned bread in the spotlight for stockpiling
  12. Complete nutritional diet is the savior for the bread and rolls market
  13. Bread and rolls responding to the needs as long-term care food, food for the diseased, and allergy proof meals
  14. Aging society with fewer children and future of demand for bread and rolls
  15. SDGs efforts in the bread and rolls industry
  16. Soaring ingredient prices and price revisions
  17. Government sale price for imported wheat has recorded the highest ever
  18. Transition of total market size for bread and rolls (FY2017-FY2021): Reached 1,535,400 million yen after the corona crisis
  19. The market share by product sale (FY2021): Pullman bread and table rolls increased the shares respectively
  20. The market share by sales channel (FY2021): Mass merchandisers and drugstores increased the shares respectively
  21. The market share by region (FY2021): Kanto occupied 39.9%, while Kinki accounted for 18.1%
  22. The market share by manufacturer (FY2021): Top 10 companies occupied 60% of the entire market
  23. Factors for market expansion and inhibitors, and perspectives for 2026
  24. The bread and rolls market size forecast (FY2022-FY2026): The market expected to exceed 1,600 billion yen in 2026

III    Analysis on Strategies at Leading Manufacturers and Trading Firms Dealing in Frozen Bread & Frozen Bread Doughs

  1. Backgrounds and Strategies for Market Entry
  2. Trends of Products on Focus and of Product Development
  3. Trends of Production and Import
  4. Sales Trend
  5. Sales Promotion Measures
  6. Measures against Soaring Ingredient Prices
  7. Distribution Measures
  8. Future Marketing Strategies

IV   Profiles of Attention Attracting Companies (19 companies)


written in Japanese
240,000 yen ($1,597.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
480,000 yen ($3,195.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
720,000 yen ($4,793.29)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.21 yen , 2024/10/22 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type