Leisure Industry in South Korea 2022 (Golf)
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Leisure industry in South Korea
Research Content:
I Changes in Leisure Environment and Nation's Leisure Activities
- Changes in Leisure Environment
1) Overview
2) Improved Income Level
3) Increased Time for Leisure
4) Changes in Populational Structure
5) Spread of Automobiles - How South Korean People Spend Time for Life
- Leisure Activities by South Korean People
1) How to Spend Leisure Time
2) Reasons for Discontent in Leisure Activities
3) Domestic and Overseas Tourism
4) Rate or Leisure Facility Users
5) Leisure Activities that South Korean People Wish to Do
6) Actual Status of Leisure in South Korea
II Current Status and Perspectives for Leisure Industry in South Korea
- Leisure Market Status
1) Domestic Leisure Market size
2) Spending for Entertainment and Cultural Expenses per Capita - Future Perspectives on Leisure Industry
1) Prerequisite for Projection
2) Leisure Industry Perspectives
III Golf Industry
- Overview
- Types of Golf Courses
- Changes in Golf Policies
- Problems in Golf Industry in South Korea
1) Soaring Golf Course Fees after Covid-19 Pandemic
2) Expedient Golf Courses for General Public
3) Financial Structure of Membership Golf Courses
4) Issues of Refund of Deposit - Current Status of Golf Industry in South Korea
1) Golf Course Industry Market Size
2) Number of Golf Courses
3) Number of Golf Course Users
4) Golf Course Management Performances
5) Golf Course Fee
6) Estimation for Golf Membership
7) Golf Course related Taxes
8) Changes in Golf Course Names
9) Golf Ranges
10) Golf Gear Import and Export
11) Environmental Preservations regarding Golf Courses - Domestic Golf Industry Projection
1) Number of Golf Courses
2) Number of Golf Course Users
3) Changes in Golf Environment - Golf Course Ownership by Domestic Enterprises
- M&A Statuses on Domestic Golf Courses
- Overseas Golf Course Operation Statuses by Domestic Companies