Global AGV and AMR Market 2023
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AGVs and AMRs
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Research Content:
I Global AGV & AMR Market Status and Future Perspectives
- Market Size Transition and Future Forecast
- As logistics have become automated worldwide, demand for AGVs and AMRs is thriving.
- The shipment volume for 2026 is expected to exceed 300 thousand units. - AGV & AMR Shipment Trend by Country
- China occupies approximately 40%, leading the entire market. - AGV & AMR Market Share by Manufacturer
- Without any absolute front-runners, the market is somewhat flexible.
II Market Trend by Major Region
- Japan
1) Environment surrounding Japan
- Launch of the Japanese market: Started from the unmanned project by major automakers in 1980s
- Labor availability and labor demand status
2) Subsidies Related to AGVs and AMRs
3) Market Size
4) Business Trends - China
1) Environment surrounding China
- Launch of the Chinese market: Aiming to be the Robotic Powerhouse, the country took various measures on technological development and training
- Labor availability and labor demand status
2) Subsidies Related to Deployment of AGVs and AMRs
3) Market Size
4) Business Trends - South Korea
1) Environment surrounding South Korea
- Launch of the South Korean market: Development of AGVs has full blown among start-ups and R&D institutions in universities after 2010.
- Labor availability and labor demand status
2) Subsidies Related to Deployment of AGVs and AMRs
3) Market Size
4) Business Trends - The U.S.
1) Environment surrounding the U.S.
- Launch of the American market: As a major demander for automated logistics, the U.S. was the first in the world to develop AGVs in 1950s.
- Labor availability and labor demand status
2) Subsidies Related to Deployment of AGVs and AMRs
3) Market Size
4) Business Trends - Europe
1) Environment surrounding Europe
- The robotic industry has been supported through SPARC and Horizon.
- Germany has the largest numbers of AGVs and AMRs deployed in Europe.
- Labor availability and labor demand status in Germany
2) Policies and support measures for AGVs and AMRs in Europe
3) Market Size
4) Business Trends: Market share is occupied by European and American companies, but Chinese companies is increasing.
III Outline and Major Technological Trends for AGVs and AMRs
- Outline of AGVs and AMRs
1) AGV & AMR Market in This Report
2) Characteristics of AGVs and AMRs - Classification of AGVs and AMRs
1) Classification by Travel Mode
2) Classification by Transport Method
3) Classification by Inductive Method
IV Company Trends and Strategies
- Aichikikai techno system co.,ltd.
- Toyota Industries Corporation (Toyota L&F Company)
- Meidensha Corporation
- OMRON Corporation
- Daifuku Co., Ltd.
- Geek+
- HIK Robot
- Quicktron
- Huaxiao Precision Industry(Suzhou)Co., Ltd.
- Russell Robotics Co., Ltd.
- Mobile Industrial Robots A/S(MiR)
- John Bean Technologies Corporation(JBT)
- Locus Robotics Corp.
- Grey Orange Pte. Ltd.
- OTTO Motors(AMR Division for Clearpath Robotics Inc.)