Consumer Sentiment 2023: ‘Anxious Consumers’– Why is Consumer Market in Japan NOT Rebounding to Pre-pandemic Levels?
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PART 1. Correlation Between “Income” and “Personality/Behavioral Characteristics”
1. Correlation between household income and consumer attributes/attitude
- Average annual income
- Gender, marital status, academic background
- “Positivity/negativity”
2. Correlation between household income and personality/behavioral characteristics
- “Curios”/ “rational & logical”/ “resilient” / “assertive” / “pessimistic or optimistic” / “kind (compassionate)” / “isolated (lonely)”/ “trend-conscious” / “savers”
3. Correlation between “use of network services (LINE & YouTube)” and “attitude”
4. Correlation between household income and consumers’ anxiety
- “health”/ “money” / “time to spare” / “family relationship” / “relationship with others” / “social situation” / “natural disaster” / “crime & public order” / “diseases” / “war” / “physical appearance & beauty” / “being oneself” / “realizing one’s dream”
5. Takeaways
PART 2. Changes in Consumers Anxiety – How has COVID-19 Affected?
1. Level of anxiety and how it changed during COVID-19
- Price hike, money, disease (pandemic), relationships, time
2. Importance of leisure (time) and how its significance changed during COVID-19
- Domestic travel, shopping, health-related services/relaxation (spa), exercise, restaurant, food services
3. Value of contents/media and how it changed during COVID-19
- Smartphones, online videos (free and paid), television, social media
4. Takeaways
PART 3. Negative Factors on Consumer Spending – How has COVID-19 Affected Consumer Motivation?
1. Factors affecting decisions to spend on leisure/services that cost less than 3,000 yen
- “Personal interest”, “good deal (reasonable)”, “secure”, “online reviews”, “stress-relief”, “extraordinary experience”
2. Factors affecting decisions to spend on leisure/services that cost 30,000 yen or more
- “Contents”, “extraordinary experience”, “security”, “relevance”, “online reviews”
3. Takeaways
PART 4. What Constitutes “Consumer Anxiety”?
1. “What people (others) say”
- ‘Seken’ (“common sense”), “mass media”
2. Current status of consumers: correlation between attributes and concerns
- “Price hike”, “public pension & savings for retirement”, “saving”, “income”,
- “Vague sense of apprehension”
3. What increases “vague sense of apprehension”?
- Commodity price and inflation
4. Takeaways
PART 5. Case Studies by Industry
1. Film industry (movies)
2. Domestic tourism
3. Food services (restaurants & diners)
4. Theme parks (Tokyo Disney Land & Tokyo Disney Sea)