Mobility Market Overview for 2030-Latest EV Trends
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Mobility Market
Research Target:
Passenger cars, Commercial vehicles, Two-wheel vehicles, Next-generation vehicles, Off highway vehicles in Japan, Europe, USA, China, India, other regions
Research Content:
I Mobility Market Overview
- Research Subject and Definition
- Environment surrounding Mobility Market
1) Accelerated Efforts on Carbon Neutrality
2) Sustainable Economic Growth
3) Various Issues regarding Labor Shortages - Carbon Neutrality Efforts
1) Trends at Major Countries
2) Trends by Industry
3) Trends of Alternative Fuels
4) Infrastructure for Next-Generation Vehicles
II Mobility Market Perspectives for 2030
- Mobility Market Perspectives for 2030
1) Current Statuses and Future Perspectives of Each Mobility
2) Factors Regarding Forecast of Number of Mobilities Demanded
3) Factors regarding Forecast of Number of xEVs Demanded - Passenger Cars
- Commercial Vehicles
- Two-Wheel Vehicles
- Off Highway Vehicles
- Next-Generation Mobility
III Mobility Market Perspective by Region
- Worldwide
1) Environmental Regulations
2) xEV Penetration Forecast - Japan
1) Population & Economic Trends
2) Environmental Regulations
3) xEV Penetration Efforts
4) xEV Penetration Forecast - Europe
1) Population & Economic Trends
2) Environmental Regulations
3) xEV Penetration Efforts
4) xEV Penetration Forecast - USA
1) Population & Economic Trends
2) Environmental Regulations
3) xEV Penetration Efforts
4) xEV Penetration Forecast - China
1) Population & Economic Trends
2) Environmental Regulations
3) xEV Penetration Efforts
4) xEV Penetration Forecast - India
1) Population & Economic Trends
2) Environmental Regulations
3) xEV Penetration Efforts
4) xEV Penetration Forecast - Other Regions
1) Environmental Regulations and xEV Penetration Efforts
2) xEV Penetration Forecast
IV Mobility Manufacturer Perspectives
- Passenger Car Manufacturers
- Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers
- Two-Wheel Vehicle Manufacturers
- Off Highway Vehicle Manufacturers
- Next-Generation Mobility Manufacturers