Farm Fresh Business 2023

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180,000 yen ($1,186.01)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,372.01)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,558.02)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 151.77 yen , 2025/02/11 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Farm Fresh Business

Research Target:

Private Farms, CSA, farm fresh produce distributors, farm stands, farm produce home delivery service providers, food waste reduction business (odd bunch/wonky vegetable business), agricultural theme park operators, supply-demand matching businesses

Research Content:

The “farm fresh” indicates the farm fresh produce that are distributed without intervention of conventional wholesalers, where producers sell their products directly to consumers/demanders (retailer, food processor, etc.). Farm fresh business is increasing at retailers and food processors to secure stable supply and/or to add value to their original products (private brand products). Moreover, demand is rising for home deliveries of farm fresh products in recent years, which includes “wonky” vegetables and overproduced vegetables, coupled with the increase of “ethical consumption”, the practice of purchasing products in consideration of its social and environmental impact, through the purchase of organic vegetables. This research finds out the current condition and explores future directions of the farm fresh market, based on the latest case studies of noteworthy companies and major companies.

I. General Remarks: Market Trends of Farm Fresh Produce Distributed without Wholesalers

1. Increase and Backdrop of Distribution without Wholesalers
2. Rise of Ethical Consumerism
3. Steady Increase of New Market Entrants
4. Increase of Distribution without Wholesalers
5. Farm-Fresh Produce Market Size
6. Transition of Market Size of Other Products Being Purchased Directly From Producers (animal products, seafoods, flowering plants, wild game meat)
7. Changes in Supply Chains caused by Increasing Distribution without Wholesalers
8. Major Market Players in Distribution of Fruits and Vegetables & Industry Structure/Characteristics
9. Market Characteristics and Challenges in Distribution of Fruits and Vegetables
10. Status of Conventional Wholesale Distribution and Distribution without Wholesalers for Fruits and Vegetables
11. Market Size Forecast of Farm Fresh Produce (2023-2027)
12. Market Size Forecast of Other Products Being Purchased Directly from Producers

II. Trends of Farm-Fresh Product Producers

1. Private Farms 
2. CSA (Community supported agriculture)

III. Trends of Farm Fresh Produce Distribution (without wholesalers)

1. Trends of Organic Farm Produce Distribution
2. Trends of Farm Fresh Platform Business

IV. Trends of Farm Fresh Produce Business

1. Farm Stands Selling Farm Produce within Shopping Center or Free-standing Store
2. Farm Stands Selling Farm Produce at Roadside Station (“Michi-no-Eki”)
3. Business for Reducing Food Waste: Imperfect (Odd Bunch, Wonky) Vegetable Business
4. Agricultural Theme Park

V. Home Delivery & Supply-Demand Matching Business for Farm Fresh Produce

1. Home Delivery
2. Supply-Demand Matching Business

VI. Profiles of Leading Companies and Industry Association 

1. Producer (2 enterprises)
2. Distributior(6 enterprises)
3. Retailer (6 enterprises)
4. Home Delivery & Supply-Demand Matching Business (10 enterprises)
5. Related Business and Industry Association (1 of each)


written in Japanese
180,000 yen ($1,186.01)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,372.01)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,558.02)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 151.77 yen , 2025/02/11 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type