Sporting Goods Stores 2022 (Local Area Marketing Strategy)

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120,000 yen ($779.78)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,559.56)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,339.33)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.89 yen , 2024/07/27 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Sporting goods stores

Research Target:

sporting goods stores, athletic footwear retailers

Research Content:

I. Fundamental Knowledge of Local Area Marketing

1. Understanding local area marketing
(1) Importance of local area marketing
(2) Local area marketing methods
(3) Regarding GIS (Geographic Information System)
(4) Steps in local area marketing
(5) Key points of local area marketing 
2. Regarding Population Census 
(1) Research object and research items of Population Census
(2) Difference from Basic Resident Registration 
(3) Population by workplace location/school location
(4) Transportation methods
(5) Population trends in Japan(comparison of Census FY2020 to Census FY2015)
(6) Key findings from population trends in Japan
3. Difference among three types of population
(1) Types of population
(2) Population index
(3) What three types of population indicates
4. Changes in flow of people found in transition of Listed Land Prices 

Ⅱ.Analysis on Location Environment of 3 Athletic Footwear Retailers (ABC-MART, Chiyoda, G-FOOT)

1.Statistical data of athletic footwear retailers
2.Location environment of 3 athletic footwear retailers
3.Location environment of newly opened stores/recently closed stores
4.Key findings from research results 

Ⅲ.Analysis on Location Environment of 4 Sporting Goods Stores (Alpen, Xebio Holdings, MEGA SPORTS, Himaraya)

1.Statistical data of sporting goods stores
2.Location environment of 4 sporting goods stores
3.Key findings from research results 

Ⅳ.Analysis on Location Environment of Fitness Clubs

1.Analysis on location environment of fitness clubs (comparison by business type) 
2.Ranking of marketing area by potential business opportunities
3.Number of users by area and estimation on possible locations to open new store
4.Key findings from research results

Ⅴ.Analysis on Flow of People at Sporting Goods Stores

1.Customer attraction in Shinjuku area 
2.Customer attraction by Alpen Outdoors (comparison of station-front stores to stores in suburbs)


written in Japanese
120,000 yen ($779.78)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,559.56)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,339.33)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.89 yen , 2024/07/27 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type