Polarizing Plates and Component Films Market 2022 (Annual Report)

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200,000 yen ($1,396.84)
(excluding consumption tax)
400,000 yen ($2,793.69)
(excluding consumption tax)
600,000 yen ($4,190.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Polarizing plates / component films

Research Target:

Manufacturers of polarizing plates and component films

Research Content:

Makers puzzled by unprecedented uptick in demand; another “bubble (economy)” for polarizing plates? How long would it last (June at best)?

  • Why do manufacturers continue production of display panels excessively? Growing demand for larger panel size is not the only reason
  • Relocation of Shanjin’s production lines of 2.3m width polarizing plate from Korea and start of two polarizing plate production lines in Jiangsu Zhangjiagang Economic Development Zone both on schedule
  • Production capacity in intensifying competition/ total production capacity of over 300 million square meters
  • HMO (Hengmei Optoelectronics) making huge investments, yet market is skeptical about its repeatedly changing investment plans
  • HMO produces 2.5 width polarizing plate by 2 production lines in Fuzhou, plans to build another production site in Danyang
  • On the other hand, Japanese film makers are cautious about investments
  • Zeon Corporation (producer of COP membrane) and Okura Industrial Co., Ltd (producer of PMMA) are the only two companies investing; supply disruptions for TAC film /protective coating continues in 2023
  • Price rise for the first time in almost 10 years; makers increasing the price of P-TAC and PET films from April 2022 
  • Spike in raw material price hitting the makers hard/ How long can makers of petrolium-based COP films hold out? 
  • Growth opportunity for makers of PMMA-based films; companies accelerate reinforcement of production/development 
  • Now that PET film production has peaked, “responsiveness” of outer PMMA film makers is being tested
  • “Era of 2.5m wide-width polarizing plate” is yet to come: Shanjin has no plan to expand 2.5m polarizing plate production; the market expansion is up to HMO
  • Would HMO focus on 2.5m polarizing plate even with the soaring cost of raw materials? 


written in Japanese
200,000 yen ($1,396.84)
(excluding consumption tax)
400,000 yen ($2,793.69)
(excluding consumption tax)
600,000 yen ($4,190.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type