Alternative Proteins Market 2022

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190,000 yen ($1,317.16)
(excluding consumption tax)
380,000 yen ($2,634.32)
(excluding consumption tax)
570,000 yen ($3,951.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 144.25 yen , 2024/09/21 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Alternative Proteins Market

Research Target:

Manufacturers of plant-based meat/seafood, manufacturers of cultured meat/seafood, manufacturer of insect proteins, universities and industry associations

Research Content:

I.  Overview of Entire Alternative Protein Market 

1. Why Alternative Proteins Gather Attention
(1) What are the Alternative Proteins? 
(2) Why Demand for Alternative Proteins is Increasing 
2. Overview of Alternative Protein Foods by Category
(1) Plant-Based Meat
(2) Cultured Meat
(3) Insect Proteins
(4) Other Alternative Proteins (Oxy Whey, Algae)
3. Noteworthy Topics
(1) Influence of COVID-19
(2) Legal Regulation and Certification System for Alternative Proteins

II. Trends in Domestic Alternative Protein Market

1. Plant-based Meat 
(1) Market Players and Products
(2) Sales Channel
(3) Issues/Challenges
(4) Future Directions and Market Outlook
2. Cultured Meat
(1) Market Players 
(2) Issues/Challenges 
(3) Future Outlook
3. Insect Protein
(1) Market Players and Products
(2) Issues/Challenges
(3) Future Outlook

III. Trends in Global Alternative Protein Market 

1. The United States
  (1) Market Overview
  (2) Leading Companies and Products
i. Impossible Foods
ii. Beyond Meat
iii. Eat Just
iv. Ocean Hugger Foods 
v. Upside Foods (formerly known as Memphis Meats)
vi. Wildtype
vii. BlueNalu 
viii. Aspire Food Group 
ix. Don Bugito
  (3) Future Perspective
2. Europe
  (1) Market Overview 
  (2) Leading Companies and Products
i. Mosa Meat (the Netherlands)
ii. Quorn (UK) 
iii. Meatless Farm (UK)
  (3) Future Perspective
3. Israel 
  (1) Market Overview
  (2) Leading Companies and Products
i. Aleph Farm
ii. Super Meat
iii. Future Meat Technologies
iv. Redefine Meat
v. Hargol Food Tech
  (3) Future Perspective
4. China, Southeast Asia 
  (1) Market Overview
  (2) Leading Companies and Products
i. Green Monday (HK)
ii. Shiok Meats (Singapore)
iii. Avant Meats (HK)
iv. CP FOODS (Thailand)
v. Thai Union Group (Thailand)
  (3) Future Perspective
5. List of Major Meat/Food Companies Investing to/ Entered into Alternative Protein Market 

IV. Alternative Proteins Market Size 

1. Japan 
  (1) Market Overview
  (2) Sales and Development Trends at Leading Companies
  (3) Market Size Forecast of Alternative Protein (2020-2030)
  (4) Market Size Forecast of Plant-based Meat (2020-2030) 
  (5) Market Size Forecast of Plant-based Seafood (2020-2030)
  (6) Market Size Forecast of Cultured Meat (2020-2030)
  (7) Market Size Forecast of Cultured Seafood (2020-2030)
  (8) Market Size Forecast of Insect Protein (2020-2030)
  (9) Market Trends by Material
  (10) Future Perspective
2. Global Market 
  (1) Market Overview
  (2) Sales and Development Trends at Leading Companies
  (3) Market Size Forecast of Alternative Protein (2020-2030)
  (4) Market Size Forecast of Plant-based Meat (2020-2030) 
  (5) Market Size Forecast of Plant-based Seafood (2020-2030)
  (6) Market Size Forecast of Cultured Meat (2020-2030)
  (7) Market Size Forecast of Cultured Seafood (2020-2030)
  (8) Market Size Forecast of Insect Protein (2020-2030)
  (9) Total Size of Alternative Protein Market (2021, 2025, 2030)
  (10) Market Trends by Material
3.Future Directions of Alternative Proteins
  (1) Roadmap
  (2) Plant-based Meat and Seafood
  (3) Cultured Meat and Seafood
  (4) Insect Protein

V. Company Profiles 

<Plant-based Meat> 22 enterprises
<Cultured Meat> 4 enterprises
<Insect Proteins> 4 enterprises 


written in Japanese
190,000 yen ($1,317.16)
(excluding consumption tax)
380,000 yen ($2,634.32)
(excluding consumption tax)
570,000 yen ($3,951.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 144.25 yen , 2024/09/21 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type