Clinical Laboratory Test Market 2021
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Clinical diagnostic reagent and clinical laboratory market
Research Target:
Manufacturers of clinical diagnostic reagents and devices
Research Content:
I. Outlook of Clinical Laboratory Test Market
・A trend of chemical companies positioning the clinical laboratory test reagents/equipment as their strategic domain is growing
・Entire industry boosted by the special demand for COVID-19 related tests
・POCT is still a critical theme, yet challenges remain in sales and distribution
・New demand for clinical laboratory tests in the era of COVID-19
II. Perspectives of Noteworthy Clinical Laboratory Tests/Fields
1. Business Trends of Biochemical/Immune Tests
2. Business Trends Associated with Expansion of Cancer Screening
3. Business Trends Associated with Expansion of Genetic Testing
4. Business Trends Viewed from Tendency of New Products of Clinical Laboratory Test Devices
5. Attention-Attracting Test Items against a Backdrop of Growth Potential and Size
III. Current Status and Perspective of Leading Manufacturers of Clinical Diagnostic Reagents and Devices
Company outline, business performance (FY2018-2020), overview of clinical diagnostic reagents and devices (business size, business outline, major products, new products), trends of partnership/alliance, and future strategies (strategic priorities, R&D, and sales) of 32 leading enterprises