Relaxation and Warm Bathing Business 2022

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120,000 yen ($846.02)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,692.05)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,538.07)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Relaxation Business and Warm Bathing Business

Research Target:

Body Care (Quick Massage)/Reflexology Facilities, Warm Bathing Facilities

Research Content:

I   Current Status and Outlook of Relaxation and Warm Bathing Business Market

  1. Market Overview and Transition of Market Size
  2. Market Trends
  3. Market Challenges and Perspectives
  4. Market Size Forecast

II   Analysis on Current Status and Outlook of Relaxation Market

  1. Market Overview
  2. Market Trends
  3. Ranking of Leading Market Players by Number of Salons  (37 leading chains)
  4. Distribution of Leading Company Salons  (37 leading chains)
  5. Strategy Analysis on Leading Market Players
  6. Analysis on Business Management at SME Salons
  7. Transition of Market Size
  8. Market Share (2020, among 15 companies)
  9. Market Challenges and Perspectives
  10. Future Market Outlook and Market Size Forecast

III   Analysis on Current Status and Outlook Warm Bathing Business Market

  1. Market Overview
  2. Types of Market Players
  3. Trend of Opening Salons and Renovations
  4. Market Trends
  5. Strategy Analysis on Leading Market Players
  6. Analysis on Business Management of Warm Bathing Facilities
  7. Transition of Market Size
  8. Market Share (2020, among 28 companies)
  9. Market Challenges and Perspectives
  10. Future Market Outlook and Market Size Forecast

IV   Case Studies of Leading Market Players (11 Companies)

  • Relaxation Salons (7 companies)
  • Warm Bathing Facility Operators (4 companies)


written in Japanese
120,000 yen ($846.02)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,692.05)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,538.07)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type