Plant O&M Services Market for Manufacturing 2021

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150,000 yen ($1,057.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,115.06)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,172.59)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing

Research Target:

Services for assisting Plant Maintenance and Plant Operations/ Fundamental Technologies and Products for Such Services

Research Content:

I  Market Outline of Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing

  1. Definition of the Market
  2. Outline of Market Players

II   Current Status of Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing

  1. Statuses surrounding Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing
  2. Influences of COVID-19 Pandemic
  3. Influences of Actions for Carbon Neutrality
  4. Market Size Transition of Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing
  5. Challenges in Market of Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing
    - in terms of human resources (upbringing, workstyle reform)
    - in terms of aging of facilities, safety management

III   Smartification Trends of Plant Operations and Maintenance

  1. Major Activities in Plant Smartification
  2. Major Activities in Smartification of Plant O&M Services Market for Manufacturing
  3. Perspectives of Smartification of Plant O&M Services Market for Manufacturing

IV   Market Trend in Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing by Category

  1. Market Size of Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing by Category (Market Share by Industry)
  2. Steel
  3. Chemistry
  4. Petroleum/Coal
  5. Food and Beverages
  6. Electrical Machinery, Electronics, Telecommunication
  7. Medicine, Drug,

V   Future Perspectives of Plant O&M Services Market for Manufacturing

  1. Market Size Forecast of Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing
  2. Next Business Development of Market Players in Plant O&M Services for Manufacturing
  3. Themes that Potentially Contribute to Market Expansion

VI   Trend and Strategies at Major Market Players

20 enterprises


written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($1,057.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,115.06)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,172.59)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type