Pet Business 2021
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Pet business
Research Target:
Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and other enterprises in pet-related business
Research Content:
I Trends in Pet Business Market
- Trends in Pet Business Markets
- Market of Living Animals
- Influence of COVID-19 to Pet Market
1) Influence of COVID-19 infections to pet market over time
2) Influence to sales of living pets
3) Influence to product sales
4) Influence to events and sales promotions
5) Influence to production and procurement
6) Changes of promotional channels - Future Perspectives
II Trends of Pet Business Market by Product Category
- Pet Food Market (cat food, dog food, premium food, dietary food)
- Pet Goods Market
1) Market Overview
2) Market trend by category
- Potty pads for dogs
- Sand for cats' toilet
- Pet diapers
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Deodorant
- Insecticide
- OTC medicines for animals
- Moist tissues
- Dental care goods (treats including food and gums are excluded)
- Excrement disposal packs
- Spray for training pets
- Fish tanks or aquarium, and peripheral apparatus
III Trends of Distribution Industries
- Trends of Wholesale Industry
- Trends of Retail Industry
IV Trends of Services for Pets
- Insurance for pets
- Long-term care services for pets
- Medical treatment for Pets
- Funeral services for pets
V Trends of Leading Companies
- Manufacturers
- Wholesalers
- Retailers