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200,000 yen ($1,410.04)
(excluding consumption tax)
400,000 yen ($2,820.08)
(excluding consumption tax)
600,000 yen ($4,230.12)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Lithium Ion Battery Component (Cathode)

Research Target:


Research Content:

・We have conducted this research in 2019 and estimated market data at that time.
So, we have not included influence of Chinse market stagnation as to EV in late 2019 and COVID-19 in this original data.
・However, we added the new slides titled "To begin with" in this report.
・By the "To begin with" slides, we would like to share how we see this market right now and some market image afterward.
・So, we would like you to see "To begin with" slides before you read this report.
・We have not updated our market data which was estimated last year, but you can modify downward by around 30% to 50% from the data in this report.


Chapter1 Cathode market trend

1-1 Overall trend of Cathode market
  1-1-1 Overall trend of Cathode market
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cathode Materials by Material Type
    (Volume2015-2022 Forecast
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cathode Materials by Material Type
    (Value2015-2022 Forecast
    Table Sales Price Range of Cathode Materials
  1-1-2 Cathode market trend by cell size
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cathode Materials by Cell Size
    (small consumer-use/medium-to-large
    (Volume20152020 forecast
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cathode Materials by Cell Size
    (small consumer-use/medium-to-large
    (Value20152020 forecast
  1-1-3 Production capacity transition by major cathode manufactures
    Table Production Base/Annual Production Capacity by 
    Major Cathode Material Manufacturer
  1-1-4 Cathode market share by manufactures
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cahtode Materials and Market Share
     by MakerVolume2015-2018
    Table Global Market Size of LiB Cahtode Materials and Market Share
     by MakerValue2015-2018
  1-1-5 Cathode market share by countries
    Table Global Market Size of Cathode Materials by Country
    Table Global Market Size of Cathode Materials by Country
1-2 NCM Market
  1-2-1 Overall trend of NCM market
    Global Market Size of NCMVolume/Value2015-2022 Forecast
  1-2-2 NCM Market trend by cell size
    Table Global Market Size of NCM by Cell Size
    (small consumer-use/medium-to-large)(Volume20152018
  1-2-3 NCM market share by manufactures
    Table Cathode Material for LiB NCM Global Market Size
    Market Share by ManufacturerVolume2015-2018
    Table Cathode Material for LiB NCM Global Market Size
    Market Share by ManufacturerValue2015-2018
  1-2-4 Production capacity transition by major NCM cathode manufactures
    Table Production Base/Annual Production Capacity by
    Major NCM Manufacturer
  1-2-5 Market and R&D trend by NCM type
    Table 【NCM composition ratio in the market in 2017
    Table 【NCM composition ratio in the market in 2018
1-3 NCA Market
  1-3-1 Overall trend of NCA market
    Table Global Market Size of NCAVolume/Value2015-2022 Forecast
  1-3-2 NCA market trend by cell size
    Table Global Market Size of NCA by Cell Size
    (small consumer-use/medium-to-large)(Volume20152018
  1-3-3 NCA market trend by manufactures
    Table Cathode Material for LiB NCA Global Market Size
    Market Share by ManufacturerVolume2015-2018
    Table Cathode Material for LiB NCA Global Market Size
    Market Share by ManufacturerValue2015-2018
  1-3-4 Production capacity transition by major NCA cathode manufactures
    Table Production Base/Annual Production Capacity by
    Major NCA Manufacturer
 LCO Market
  1-4-1 Overall trend of LCO market
    Table Global Market Size of LCOVolume/Value2015-2022 Forecast
  1-4-2 LCO market trend by cell size, LCO R&D trend
    Table Global Market Size of LCO by Cell Size
    (small consumer-use/medium-to-large)(Volume20152018
    Table High-Voltage LCO Development and Shipment by
    Major LCO Playerfirst half of 2019
  1-4-3 LCO market trend by manufactures
    Table Cathode Material for LiB LCO Global Market Size
    Market Share by ManufacturerVolume2015-2018
    Table Cathode Material for LiB LCO Global Market Size
    Maker Share by ManufacturerValue20152018
  1-4-4 Production capacity transition by major LCO manufactures
    Table Production Base/Annual Production Capacity by
    Major LCO Manufacturer
 LFP Market
  1-5-1 Overall trend of LFP market
    Table Global Market Size of LFP
    (Volume/Value2015-2022 Forecast
  1-5-2 LFP market trend by cell size, LFP R&D trend
    Table Global Market Size of LFP by Cell Size
    (small consumer-use/medium-to-large)(Volume20152018
  1-5-3 Major LFP manufactures trend
    1-5-4 Production capacity transition by major LFP manufactures
    Table Production Base/Annual Production Capacity by
    Major LFP Manufacturer
 LMO market
  1-6-1 Overall trend of LMO market
    Table Global Market Size of LMOVolume/Value2015-2022 Forecast
  1-6-2 LMO market trend by cell size, LMO R&D trend
    Table Global Market Size of LMO by Cell Size
    (small consumer-use/medium-to-large)(Volume20152018
  1-6-3 Major LMO manufactures trend
  1-6-4 Production capacity transition by major LMO manufactures
    Table Production Base/Annual Production Capacity by
    Major LMO Manufacturer

Chapter2 Trend and Strategy by Cathode manufactures

2-1 Umicore
    Table Umicore Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Umicore Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Umicore Production BaseProduction Capacity of
    Cathode Materials
 Xiamen Tungsten
    Table Xiamen Tungsten Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Xiamen Tungsten Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Xiamen Tungsten Production BaseProduction Capacity of
    Cathode Materials
    Table High-Ni Cathode R&D roadmap by Xiamen Tungsten
 Hunan Shanshan Advanced Materials
    Table Hunan Shanshan Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Hunan Shanshan Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Hunan Shanshan Production BaseProduction Capacity of
    Cathode Materials
 Pulead Technology Industry
    Table Pulead Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Pulead Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Pulead Production BaseProduction Capacity of
    Cathode Materials
    Table Pulead Cathode Materials Product Lineup
    (catalogue products Prototypical Products
 Beijing Easpring Material Technology
    Table Easpring Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Easpring Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Easpring Production BaseProduction Capacity of
    Cathode Materials
    Table Easpring Production BaseProduction Capacity of Precursors
    Table L&F Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table L&F Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table L&F Production BaseProduction Capacity of Cathode Materials
    Table Ecopro Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Ecopro Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Ecopro Production BaseProduction Capacity of Cathode Materials
    Table CSG characteristics
 Ningbo Ronbay Lithium Battery Material
    Table Ningbo Ronbay Lithium Battery Material Shipment Volume of
    Cathode Materials
    Table Ningbo Ronbay Lithium Battery Material Shipment Value of
    Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology
    (including related group companies
    Production Base and Production Capacity of Cathode Materials and Precursors
    Table Tianjin Guoan MGL/CITIC Guoan MGL Shipment Volume of
    Cathode Materials
    Table Tianjin Guoan MGL/CITIC Guoan MGL Shipment Value of
    Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Tianjin Guoan MGL/CITIC Guoan MGL Production Base and
    Production Capacity of Cathode Materials
    Table R&D roadmap of NCM and High-Ni Cathode
 Hunan Reshine New Material
    Table Reshine Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Reshine Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Reshine Production Base and Production Capacity of
    Cathode Materials
    Table Reshine Production Base and Production Capacity of Precursors
 Tanaka Chemical
    Table Tanaka Chemical Shipment Volume of Precursors
    Table Tanaka Chemical Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table Tanaka Chemical Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Tanaka Chemical Production Base and Production Capacity of
    Cathode Materials
2-12 Tianjin SKLD Technology

    Table SKLD Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table SKLD Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table SKLD Production Base and Production Capacity of
    Cathode Materials
    Table SKLD LFP Brands
    Table Sumitomo Osaka Cement Shipment Volume of LFP
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Sumitomo Osaka Cement Production Base and Production
    Capacity of Cathode Materials
    Table JFE Mineral Shipment Volume of Cathode Materials
    Table JFE Mineral Shipment Value of Cathode Materials
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table JFE Mineral Production Base and Production Capacity of NCA
    Table JFE Mineral Catalogue Product Lineup of NCA
  (2)Production site/Capacity
    Table Honjo Chemical Production Base and Production Capacity of
    Cathode Materials


LiB market trend
  ①LiB for Mobile/IT Market
    Table Shipments of small consumer-use LiBs by application
    (CY2015CY2022, battery capacity)
    Table Shipments of small consumer-use LiBs by cell type
    (CY2015CY2022, battery capacity)
  ②LiB for xEV Market
    Table Trends and Forecast of Global LiB Market by xEV Type
    (CY2015CY2020, CY2025, CY2030)
    Table Trends and Forecasts of LiB for xEV by battery type
    (Capacity:CY2015CY2020, CY2025, CY2030)
  ③LiB for ESS Market
    Table Trends and Forecast of Global LiB Market by ESS
    Table Global LiB Market by ESS Type (Capacity:CY2018)


written in English
200,000 yen ($1,410.04)
(excluding consumption tax)
400,000 yen ($2,820.08)
(excluding consumption tax)
600,000 yen ($4,230.12)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type