Medical/Infusion/Syringe Pump Market 2017

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350,000 yen ($2,269.19)
(excluding consumption tax)
700,000 yen ($4,538.38)
(excluding consumption tax)
1,050,000 yen ($6,807.57)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 154.24 yen , 2024/05/03 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Medical, infusion, and syringe pumps

Research Target:


Research Content:

I   Medical and Infusion Pump Market Overview

Summary of Medical Pump Market Trends

  1. Transition of Infusion/Syringe Pump Market Size
  2. Environmental factors
  1. Hospitals and clinics
  2. Number of Anesthesia and Surgeries
  3. Special Therapy Equipment
  1. In-Home Medical Care Market
  1. Current In-Home Medical Care
  2. Health Insurance Points
  3. Number of Nursing-Care (Long Term Care) Service Providers, and Facilities
  4. Revision of Medical Treatment Fees 2016

II   Transition of Market by Product & Outlook of Medical Pump Market

  1. Infusion pump (peristaltic finger type)
  2. Infusion pump (volumetric, peristaltic)
  3. Specialized infusion pumps
  4. Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA pump)
  5. Stationary roller pump (artificial dialysis, gynecology)
  6. Automatic drug infusion controller
  7. Infusion pump and infusion line accessories
  8. Syringe pump (general, stationary)
  9. Syringe pump (insulin, portable)
  10. Syringe pump (TCI)
  11. Oxygenator and related equipments
  12. IABP balloons
  13. Auxiliary artificial heart sets/Ventricular assist devices
  14. Hyper-hypothermia system
  15. Hemodialysis, artificial kidney dialysis
  16. Blood purification, hemofiltration, and apheresis
  17. Contrast medium infuser (for MRI, CT, angio, ultrasonic waves, urinary tract, and circulatory organs)
  18. Contrast medium enema device

III   Market Player Analysis


written in Japanese
350,000 yen ($2,269.19)
(excluding consumption tax)
700,000 yen ($4,538.38)
(excluding consumption tax)
1,050,000 yen ($6,807.57)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 154.24 yen , 2024/05/03 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type