Pet Business 2017
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Coverage: (Product/service)
Pet-related business
Research Target:
Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers of pet-related business
Research Content:
I Trends in Pet Business Market
- Trends in Pet Business Markets
- Transition and Forecast of Pet Business Market Size
- Market Overview by Category
- Ranking of Manufacturers of Pet food and Pet goods
- Key Points of Revision of Animal Care Law
- Market of Living Animals
- Transition of number of dogs and cats raised
- Distribution overview
- Number of registered dogs by breed
- Future Perspectives
- Environment surrounding Pet Industry and Influences to Pet Market
- Future Outlook of Pet Market
II Market Trends by Category
- Pet foods market (overall, dog food, cat food)
- Market overview
- Trend in market by category, market share by manufacturer
- Pet goods market
- Market overview
- Market trend by category
- Sand for cats' toilet
- Toilet sheets for pets
- Deodorant
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Insecticide
- Spray for training pets
- Moist tissues
- Dental goods
- Pet diaper
- Excrement disposal packs
- Medical goods for pets
- Fish tanks, or aquarium
III Trends in Distribution Industry
- Trends in Wholesaling (Current status, Sales channel strategies)
- Retail Market overview (Current status, Product sales trends)
IV Pet-related Services
- Current Status of Services Relating to Pets
- Trends by Service Industry
- Beauty services for pets
- Hotels
- Counseling
- Medical care for pets
- Insurance for pets
- Funeral services
- Human resources development
- Pet-allowed apartments
- Dog café
- Rental pets
- Pet parks, dog runs
- Long term care for pets
V Trends in Leading Companies
- 25 manufacturers
- 3 wholesalers
- 2 retailers