Chinese Protected Horticulture Market 2015

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330,000 yen ($2,119.73)
(excluding consumption tax)
660,000 yen ($4,239.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
990,000 yen ($6,359.20)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 155.68 yen , 2024/05/11 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Protected Horticulture in China

Research Target:

Manufacturers, distributors of Protected Horticulture Equipment and Materials in China, Producers and Sellers of Vegetables Produced using Protected Horticulture in China

Research Content:

I   Current Status and Future Perspectives of Agriculture in China

  1. Current Status of Agriculture in China
  2. Current Government Policies on Promoting Agriculture in China
  3. Challenges and Issues of Agriculture in China and Directions of Agricultural Administration

II   Current Status and Future Perspectives of Protected Horticulture in China 

  1. Current Status of Protected Horticulture in China
  2. Current Government Policies on Promoting Protected Horticulture in China
  3. Challenges and Issues of Protected Horticulture in China
  4. Directions of Administrative Policies regarding Protected Horticulture

III    Trends in Manufacturers of Protected Horticulture in China

  1. Overview of Protected Horticulture Equipment and Materials Market in China
  2. Leading Players and Distribution Flow of Protected Horticulture Equipment and Materials in China
  3. Leading Companies/Manufacturers regarding Protected Horticulture in China
  1. Manufacturers of green houses for protected horticulture
  2. Covering materials manufacturers (plastic films, etc.)
  3. Manufacturers of irrigation systems/environmental control systems
  4. Manufacturers of other equipment and materials (cultivation benches, auxiliary lamps, etc.)
  1. List of Subsidies for Major Agricultural Equipment and Materials in China (2014)
  2. Characteristics of Distribution and Sales of Protected Horticulture Equipment and Materials in China
  3. Challenges and Issues in Promoting Sales of Protected Horticulture Equipment and Materials in China
  4. Important Aspects and Directions for Future Sales of Protected Horticulture Equipment and Materials in China

IV   Trends in Producers and Communities of Protected Horticulture in China

  1. Management Models/Sales Models of Vegetable Cooperative Society
  2. Construction Status of Standard Protected Horticulture
  3. Attempts toward Energy Saving and Labor Saving at Cooperative Societies Specializes on Vegetable Planting,
  4. Challenges of Cooperative Societies Specializes on Vegetable Planting,
  5. Leading Vegetable Producers for Exporting in Major Provinces
  6. Case Studies of Leading Companies Producing and Selling Vegetables using Protected Horticulture

V   Future Perspectives of Protected Horticulture in China

  1. Market Characteristics of Protected Horticulture in China
  2. Trends of Advanced Research and Development regarding Protected Horticulture in China
  3. Challenges and Issues of Expanding Protected Horticulture in China
  4. Expanding Areas/Categories within Protected Horticulture Equipment and Materials in China
  5. Market Perspectives regarding Protected Horticulture in China

VI   Results of Research over Intention of Developing Business in Chinese Market by Japanese Protected Horticulture Companies

  1. Manufacturers of green houses for protected horticulture
  2. Covering materials manufacturers (plastic films, etc.)
  3. Manufacturers of irrigation systems/environmental control systems
  4. Manufacturers of other equipment and materials (cultivation benches, auxiliary lamps, etc.)


written in Japanese
330,000 yen ($2,119.73)
(excluding consumption tax)
660,000 yen ($4,239.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
990,000 yen ($6,359.20)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 155.68 yen , 2024/05/11 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type