Pet Market in China 2012

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120,000 yen ($794.81)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,589.61)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,384.42)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Products and services for pets in China

Research Target:

Companies in the business of Pets related products and services within China

Research Content:

I       Latest Trends and Outlook for Pet Market in China
1.   Pet Market Overview
1)    Transition and Estimate of Market Size
2)    Characteristics of Pet Owners
2.   Challenges, Measures and Outlook for Pet Industry in China
3.   Breakdown and Definition of Entire Pet Market
II      Pet Foods Market in China
1.   Size and Trends of Pet Foods Market
2.   Leading Pet Foods Companies
1)    Classification of pet foods
2)    Production capacity of pet foods
3)    Overview of leading pet foods manufacturers
4)    Top 10 pet food products 
3.   Export/Import, Export Companies of Pet Foods
1)    Overview of import and export of pet foods
2)    Size of import and export of pet foods
3)    Pet foods exporting companies
III    Pet Goods Market in China
1.   Health and Medicine Market for Pets
1)    Size and trends of health and medicine market for pets
2)    Production capacity and leading manufacturers of medicines for pets within China
3)    Export and import of medicines for pets in China
2.   Beauty Products Market for Pets
1)    Size and trends of beauty products market for pets
2)    Production capacity and leading manufacturers of beauty products for pets within China
3)    Export and import of beauty products for pets in China and business models
3.   Pets Shampoo Market
1)    Size and trends of shampoo market for pets
2)    Production capacity and leading manufacturers of shampoo for pets within China
3)    Export and import of shampoo for pets in China and competitiveness of Chinese products
4.   Pets Cleaning Market
1)    Size and trends of pets cleaning market
2)    Production capacity and leading manufacturers of pets cleaning products within China
3)    Export and import of pets cleaning products in China and future forecast5.
5.   Pets’ House Market
1)    Size and trends of pets’ house market
2)    Production capacity and leading manufacturers of pets’ houses within China
3)    Export and import of pets’ houses in China and overview of doghouses
6.   Market of Treadmills for Large Pets
1)    Size and trends of treadmill market for large pets
2)    Production capacity and leading manufacturers of treadmills for large pets within China
3)    Export and import of treadmills for large pets
7.   Toy Market for Pets
1)    Size and trends of toy market for pets
2)    Production capacity and leading manufacturers of toys for pets within China
3)    Export and import of pet toys in China, and issues/measures of the market
8.   Pets Clothing Market
1)    Size and trends of pets clothing market
2)    Production capacity and leading manufacturers of clothing for pets within China
3)    Export and import of clothing for pets in China, and issues/measures of the market
IV     Pet-Related Market
1.   Pet Beauty Service Market
1)    Size and trends of pet beauty service market
2)    Overview of leading pet beauty service providers
3)    Trends in pet beauty service market
2.   Pet Insurance Service Market
1)    Size and trends of pet insurance service market
2)    Overview of leading pet insurance service providers
3)    Trends in pet insurance service market, and issues/measures in the market
3.   Pet Funeral Service Market
1)    Size and trends of pet funeral service market
2)    Overview of leading pet funeral service providers
3)    Trends and challenges of pet funeral service market
4.   Pet Hospitals Market
1)    Size and trends of pet hospitals market
2)    Overview of leading pet hospitals
3)    Management measures and points to keep in mind for pet hospitals
Reference: List of Products from Leading Traders and Manufacturers


written in Japanese
120,000 yen ($794.81)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,589.61)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,384.42)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type