Gas Cogeneration System Market 2012

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120,000 yen ($846.02)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,692.05)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,538.07)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Gas cogenration system market

Research Target:

Manufacturers of gas cogeneration systems, city gas companies

Research Content:

Summary: Do people reassess gas cogeneration systems after the Great East Japan Earthquake?
1. Leading gas cogeneration system market players and their products
2. Size of gas cogeneration system market
3. Challenges to diffuse gas cogeneration systems
4. Future outlook on gas cogeneration system market
5. Do people reassess gas cogeneration systems now that they have experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake?
I        Current status of gas cogeneration system market
1. Overview of gas cogeneration systems
2. Leading players of the market
3. Product trends in the gas cogeneration systems
4. Market size
5. Challenges surrounding the market
II      Trends in gas cogeneration system related companies
l       10 Manufacturers
l       2 City gas companies
III     Future outlook on gas cogeneration system market
1. Trends in the R&D
2. Approaches to solve challenges and future market trends
3. Forecast of size of the market (2015 and 2020)


written in Japanese
120,000 yen ($846.02)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,692.05)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,538.07)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type