Assistive Technology Products Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2024
Assistive Technology Products Market (Total 9 Fields) Generated 362,400 Million Yen in FY2023, 107.9% of Previous Fiscal Year
Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) has surveyed the domestic equipment and medical supplies for long term care, and found out the trend by product, trend of market players, and future perspective.

Market Overview
The market size of assistive technology products (total of 9 fields, based on company sales) was estimated at 362,390 million yen in FY2023, 107.9% of the size in the previous fiscal year. The growth in FY2023 owes mainly to growth in the adult diaper market. From a medium- to long-term perspective, the market has overall been leveling off, with expenditure being suppressed under the long-term care system.
Noteworthy Topics
Introduction of a Choice System between Leasing and Selling
In the revision of the Long-Term Care System for FY2024, a choice system between leasing and selling has been introduced for a part of the assistive products. Fixed ramps other than portable types, walkers (not rollators), and canes (single-point/multiple-point canes) have become the subject to the system, and it is expected that users and their families will benefit from increased choice. The products subject to the choice system are currently those with relatively low unit prices.
It is unclear whether this system will be applied to specialized beds (long-term care beds) and other products that could impose a large economic burden on users and their families at the time of purchase, but the long-term care system is likely to move toward spending restraint when considering its sustainability.
Future Outlook
In addition to supporting aging or weakened functions, future assistive technology products must be developed to maintain or improve the well-being of people living actively and independently. The challenges and preferences for assistive technology products will be diverse, depending on the status of families or cohabitants, the preferences of individual users, not to mention the physical conditions and residential situations of users, and the advancement of a barrier-free society.
The number of users of assistive technology products in Japan is increasing as the population ages. Companies in the current market seem to be seeking new areas of business, such as expanding into the overseas market where aging is expected in the future, or developing products that contribute to elderly people who are not yet in long-term care.
On the other hand, as Japan's population ages rapidly, public spending is rising. Japan needs to overcome the complicated challenges of containing long-term care insurance spending in the face of rising demand (elderly population), while at the same time securing growth opportunities for private companies that are the primary providers of services and products.
Research Outline
2.Research Object: Manufacturers, distributors that deal with assistive technology products
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews (including online) by specialized researchers, and literature search
The Assistive Technology Products Market
Assistive technology products refer to those equipment and tools that assist older persons and persons with disabilities to maintain or improve an individual’s functioning and independence in daily living regardless of whether at home or in institutions.
This research primarily covers 1) homecare beds, 2) air mattresses/body-pressure dispersing mattresses, 3) wheelchairs, 4) mobility aids/walkers (walking frames)/rollators, 5) lifts/home elevators, 6) bathtubs with care support features, 7) adult diapers, 8) bathing/incontinence products, and 9) stair lifts, with market size calculated based on company sales.
Note that medical and nursing care beds are not included in the market size.
<Products and Services in the Market>
homecare bed, air mattress/body-pressure dispersing mattress, wheelchair, mobility aids/walker (walking frame)/rollator, lift/home elevator, bath with functions to support long-term care, adult diapers, bathing goods/incontinence goods and stair lifts
Published Report
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