
Global Market of Spintronic Devices: Key Research Findings 2024

Global Market Size of Spintronic Devices Projected to Reach 599.0 Billion Yen in 2025

Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) has studied the global market for spintronic devices and found out the development trend by category and future prospects. The market size forecast until 2045 is highlighted here. 

Global Market Size Forecast for Spintronic Devices
Global Market Size Forecast for Spintronic Devices

Market Overview

Spintronics is the technological field that exploits both the nature of the electric charge that an electron has (electric property) and the spin (magnetic property). Through those materials and devices that exploit new physical phenomena obtained by controlling both electric and magnetic properties that spintronic materials have, innovative generation such as in electronics, magnetics, photonics is expected in the electronics and telecommunications industries.
While conventional electronic devices use electrical charges to carry information, spintronic devices use the direction of an electron's spins to carry and process information. Because spintronic devices are highspeed, yet low power, they are expected to make a remarkable contribution to the future of information technologies, which currently suffer from increasing energy consumption.  

Noteworthy Topics

Background of Spintronic-Based Memory Development

Currently, dynamic random access memory (DRAM), static random access memory (SRAM), flash memory, etc. are used as read/write memories for personal computers and smartphones. In the future when digital home appliances and other various IoT devices are connected to the network, universal memories are expected to emerge that have all the advantages of the above-mentioned memories.
As the microminiaturized manufacturing methods of conventional memories such as DRAMs reach their limits, the development of next-generation memories has also been accelerated in terms of manufacturing methods.

Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM) is the magnetic memory based on spintronics, which is expected to be the next-generation memory due to its advantages such as highspeed data access, nonvolatility, low power consumption, etc. which have the potential to overcome the current memory challenges.

Future Outlook

The global market size of spintronic devices, based on the manufacturer shipment value, is projected to reach 599.0 billion yen in 2025. Market formation is projected for two categories of spintronic devices, i.e., spintronic-based memories and spintronic integrated circuits in 2025, with the former accounting for 68.6% and the latter accounting for 31.4%. Spintronic devices are expected to be used in various applications such as magnetic memories, magnetic sensors, magnetic transistors, magnetic torque oscillators, etc., which are attracting attention as an important technology for large-scale information processing systems in the future.
The development of supersensitive sensors using spintronic devices is also underway for the field of IoT and smart home, which has the potential to play an important role in the realization of quantum computers.
Therefore, market formation is also expected in the categories of spintronic thermal management and quantum spintronics. The global market size of spintronic devices is expected to expand to 10,654.0 billion yen by 2045.

Research Outline

1.Research Period: January to August 2024
2.Research Object: R&D institutions studying spintronics or spintronic devices, companies producing, selling, or handling these fields.
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews (including online) by expert researchers, and literature search.

What is the Spintronic Device Market?

Spintronics is the technological field that exploits both the nature of the electric charge that an electron has (electric property) and the spin (magnetic property). Through those materials and devices that use new physical phenomena obtained by controlling both electric and magnetic properties that spintronic materials have, innovative generation such as in electronics, magnetics, photonics is expected in the electronics and telecommunications industries.  

The market size for spintronic devices has been calculated based on the shipment value at manufacturers for the following four categories, i.e., spintronic-based memory, spintronic integrated circuits, spintronic thermal management, and quantum spintronics.  

<Products and Services in the Market>

Spintronic devices (magnetic memories, magnetic read device, spin hall effect device, spin field effect transistors (spin-FET), optical spin-wave memory, etc.)

Published Report

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