Roofing Materials Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2024
Domestic Roofing Materials Market Size for FY2023 Shrank to 95.1% Year-on-Year to 84,103,000 Square Meters
Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) has conducted a survey on the domestic market of roofing materials, and found out the product trends by material, the trends at market players, and the future outlook.

Market Overview
The estimated market size of domestic roofing materials shrank to 84,103,000 square meters (95.1% of the previous fiscal year). According to the Building Starts by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the decline owed to the negative growth in new housing starts (93.0% of the previous fiscal year) and a slowdown in demand for commercial construction, chiefly warehouses.
Since the roofing materials market is highly dependent on commercial construction starts, such as warehouses, a major metal roofing application, and on housing starts, the market trend is likely to move in tandem with these indicators.
Noteworthy Topics
Acquisition of Roof Remodeling Demand is the Key
Demand for renovating roofing materials is increasing, because of the recent, frequent natural disasters in various parts of Japan and many slate roofing materials in need of being refurbished. Conventional roofing renovations used to generally be repainting, but the cases of “reroofing” (also called an overlay, a construction method of roofing over an existing roof) have increased, considering the renovation frequency, cost, durability, and design.
Future Outlook
The market size of domestic roofing materials is forecast to be 82,340,000 square meters (97.9% of the previous fiscal year). The roofing materials both for detached homes and non-residential constructions are likely to decline.
For detached houses, despite the efforts by roofing material manufacturers to generate roofing renovation demand by appealing the overlay method, decrease in housing starts is affecting heavily. This can also be said for non-residential construction, which faces the downtrend in construction starts for warehouses and factories, major roofing material applications. Manpower shortage is also somewhat involved in the cause of construction works delays.
Research Outline
2.Research Object: Roofing material manufacturers, roofing material sales distributors, industry associations
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews (including online) by our expert researchers and literature research
What is The Roofing Material Market?
Roofing materials market in this research includes (1) clay tiles, (2) cement tiles such as molded cement tiles, concrete tiles, and decorative slate tiles, (3) asphalt shingle materials, (4) metal materials including 55% aluminum-zinc alloy coated sheet steel (Galvalume sheet steel) and roofing materials made of stainless, aluminum, copper, and titanium, and (5) stone-coated metal roofing materials. Note that protective concrete layers and waterproofing sheet materials for flat roofs of buildings are not included.
The market size has been estimated based on the interviews with roofing material manufacturers and statistical data from the government and industry bodies.
<Products and Services in the Market>
Clay tiles, cement tiles (molded cement tiles, concrete tiles, decorative slate tiles), shingle materials, metal roofing materials, and stone-coated metal roofing materials
Published Report
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