
Medical ICT Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2020

Domestic Medical ICT Market Size Projected to Achieve 19,800 Million Yen by FY2023, 1.59 Times Larger Than FY2018

Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) conducted the domestic medical ICT market and found out the trends by segment, the trends of market players, and future outlook.

Transition and Forecast of Domestic Medical ICT Market Size
Transition and Forecast of Domestic Medical ICT Market Size

Market Overview

Digitization of medical information (medical ICT) at medical institutions (hospitals, general clinics, etc.) is likely to contribute to medical data collection which is considered as important for AI solutions to take shape. Medical ICT in this research refers to the market of the following seven segments: Cloud-based electronic health record, cloud-based PACS, VNA, cloud-based remote image diagnostics systems, online medical care systems, medical care reservation systems, and electronic medical examination systems.

The estimated domestic medical ICT market size (based on the sales at businesses) for FY2018 was 12,485 million yen. When observing this by segment, cloud-based electronic health record, cloud-based PACS, and online reservation systems occupied relatively large segments in the market.

Noteworthy Topics

Electronic Medical Examination Systems Projected to Expand throughout 2020s

In this research, the market size of “electronic medical examination systems” is calculated based on the sizes of the following two types of systems primarily implemented at general clinics: Tablet medical examination systems that use tablet terminals for medical examination at medical institutions, and online medical examination systems that are for a patient to input his/her conditions to smartphones and other mobile terminals at home in advance.

Full formation of the market of electronic medical examination systems began around 2018, but the systems have not been sufficiently aware of by doctors and medical startup supporters (i.e., consulting companies that support launching of medical institutions). Though the cases of system deployment are still limited at this time, the market is expected to expand throughout 2020s as the awareness improves.

Great advantage of electronic medical examination systems is availability to connect the already-entered examination contents with electronic health record, which saves time for keeping the record, resulting in labor saving and streamlining. Therefore, penetration of electronic health record is regarded to encourage expansion of the market size of electronic medical examination systems.

Future Outlook

The domestic medical ICT market size based on the sales at businesses is likely to attain 19,800 million yen by FY2023, 1.59 times larger than the size of FY2018. The growth rate is especially high in the markets of electronic medical examination systems, online medical care systems, and cloud-based electronic health record.

Growth factors of the entire domestic medical ICT market are promotion of medical ICT by the government and shift to cloud services by major medical IT vendors especially in the field of electronic health record and PACS. It is said to be relatively easy to deploy medical ICT equipment at newly launched clinics because the clinic directors tend to be relatively young, so that they apt to have experience of using medical ICT at the time when they worked at hospitals, and because they need to differentiate with existing clinics. Due to these factors, the domestic medical ICT market is likely to be on the rise.  

Research Outline

1.Research Period: January to March 2020
2.Research Object: Domestic makers, service providers, and medical institutions, etc.
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face research by the expert researchers, surveys via telephone, questionnaire by mail, and literature research

The Medical ICT Market

The medical ICT market in this research refers to the market of the following seven segments that replacement from the existing on-premise systems is ongoing at medical institutions (hospitals, general clinics): Cloud-based electronic health record, cloud-based PACS [Picture Archiving and Communication Systems], VNA [Vendor Neutral Archive System, the system to integrate and operate various medical information managed via different venders or to access the cross-vendor systems], cloud-based remote image diagnostics systems, online medical care systems, medical care reservation systems, and electronic medical examination systems which can examine the patients’ conditions via online or a tablet.

<Products and Services in the Market>

cloud-based electronic health record, cloud-based PACS, VNA, cloud-based remote image diagnostics systems, online medical care systems, medical care reservation systems, and electronic medical examination systems

Published Report

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